Doxxing is Effective

What Sanders Supporters Do Not Understand

Greg McVerry
2 min readMay 18, 2016


Misogyny and Doxxing

You need to understand the misogyny in your outrage. …and the basic history of the primary system.

Bernie had a good run. He may even push the platform to the left at the convention, but its over. The basic math hasn’t worked for months. That does not give you the right to attack a female volunteer for the Democratic Party.

Take your ball and go home, don’t throw it through someone’s window.

The web is not a safe place for women, and you are now contributing to the vitriol. Worse you are allowing the hate to spill into the streets.

After the democratic caucus in Nevada a group of Bernie supporters doxxed, releasing personal identifiable information on the web, of Roberta Lange.

She is a volunteer with the Nevada Democratic party and you released her addresses and place of employment on the web. Death threats and vandalism soon followed.

Congrats kiddos. You are no better than Gamergate.

History of Primaries

You also seem to have a basic fundamental misunderstanding of the primary system. They are not a democratic process. They are organized by private political parties by members of said parties.

They therefore get to make up the rules. In fact you find no mention of a primary system in the constitution. The founders, actually tried to eliminate parties…that lasted all of three minutes.

I taught my sons this the hard way. They went with me to vote in Connecticut for Bernie or Hillary (CT will go blue no matter who I choose so it didn’t really matter).

I forgot I am a registered independent (like your man Bernie). I got turned away.

I can’t complain. You can not steal a democratic election in the primary because they are not democratic elections.

Once again they are organized by private entities made up of card carrying members.

Same goes for the superdelegates you complain about. Their entire purpose is to keep the party from swinging too far to the left after the shallacking taken by Humphrey, then McGovern, and finally Carter.

Is it fair? Yes. Is it equal? No, it was designed to favor what Yvonne C. Claes labeled an autocrats.

So if you want a chance for a socialist from New England to ever have a chance at getting nominated for the general you need to get very involved in the Democratic Party and change the rules.

Fight the right battles but don’t make the world unsafe for women.

Its not cool.



Greg McVerry

I am a researcher and teacher educator at Southern Connecticut State University. Focus on literacy and technology.