Get uptime alerts in Telegram

Jason Jan Ngo
2 min readJun 4, 2017


You will be configuring 3 services. The assumption is that you have accounts already for these services.

  • UptimeRobot — source of the uptime/downtime notifications. It currently supports email, Twitter, Slack, Pushover, Pushbullet and others but not Telegram. We will use the webhook notification as the way to send messages to Telegram.
  • IFTTT — bridges UptimeRobot and Telegram by providing the webhook for UptimeRobot and triggering a message to Telegram. In IFTTT terminology: IF {event trigger from UptimeRobot}, then {send message to Telegram group}
  • Telegram — destination of the notification. You will need to create a group for this.

Telegram Configuration

In Telegram, create a new group, if needed. You may opt to use an existing group.

Go to @IFTTT and follow the instruction so link your Telegram account to your IFTTT account.

Send /connect_group to @IFTTT and connect the group where you want to send the notifications.

IFTTT Configuration

Sign in to IFTTT and add a new applet.

My Applets -> New Applet

  • this -> Maker Webhooks -> Receive a web request
  • Event Name: uptime_alert
  • that -> Telegram -> Send message
  • Target chat: (select a Telegram group)

In the maker webhooks settings, look for your Account Info URL which is the following format:{secret_key}

Visit that URL to get the POST URL that looks like this:{event}/with/key/{secret_key}

where {event} is the Event Name that you defined while creating your IFTTT dashlet — uptime_alert{secret_key}

Target Chat: <select Telegram group to send the message>

Message Text:

Monitor is <b>{{Value2}}</b>: {{Value1}}. {{Value3}}.<br>
{{EventName}} on {{OccurredAt}}

UptimeRobot Configuration

Sign in to your UptimeRobot account.

In My Settings, Add Alert Contact with type Web-Hook. Then configure the settings based on your IFTTT information above.

URL to Notify: (Include an ending ? character){secret_key}?

POST Value (JSON Format):

{ "value1": "*monitorFriendlyName*",
"value2": "*alertTypeFriendlyName*",
"value3": "*alertDetails*" }

You may test posting to the webhook using the following curl command, replacing {event} and {secret_key} with the appropriate values.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"value1":"monitorFriendlyName","value2":"UP or DOWN","value3":"alertDetails"}'{event}/with/key/{secret_key}

