Redesigned Project Dashboard

Josh Gosliner
4 min readJun 22, 2017


Reason for the changes (use cases)

  • In working with our users we discovered that the primary purpose for the project dashboard is to communicate the status of the project to managers, coaches and executives. It needs to be a reflection of the team’s work and not a place that the team does their work. In order to make this use case more clear, we have moved the priority list of hypotheses to the team’s canvas page. This allows teams to more easily access their hypotheses as they work. Those priorities then reflect to the project dashboard. In addition, we felt that we were “burying the lead” on some of the important information on the dashboard. For instance, the performance data and the project details fields were in a sub navigation and out of sight of the user. We pulled this information to the top level and separated it into two tabs. We also added new visualizations and velocity metrics. This brings the project metrics into alignment with the metrics found on the portfolio dashboard.

What is staying the same

  • We have not taken away any funtionality
  • The way that you edit the project dashboard: to edit, users still use the project details takeover that can be initiated from field on the dashboard

What has changed

  • The layout of the page
  • The lefthand column now displays all meta data about the project
  • Name
  • Metadata
  • Labels
  • Team members
  • Custom dropdowns
  • Custom numeric fields
  • The righthand column shows information on the current state of the project
  • Stage
  • Top 5 risky hypotheses that the team has prioritized for testing
  • The middle column has two tabs
  • Overview contains
  • Project description
  • All custom freeform text fields that have been added by the team or the org owner
  • Metrics contains
  • Investment chart
  • Market size chart
  • Evidence counts
  • Hypotheses counts
  • Project velocity
  • Invalid:valid ratio
  • Time to (in)validate
  • Evidence to (in)validate
  • The prioritizable list of hypotheses has move to a drawer on the canvas scree so that teams can access all of their hypotheses in the same place
  • The list of the top 5 risky hypotheses on the dashboard is not prioritizable. It pulls from the priorities that the team set on the canvas
  • The team member activity is accessed by clicking on one of the team avatars

Some thoughts for design

  • Header image of the new dashboard using a wireframe approach
  • High level view of the dashboard calling our
  • left column is where you can find team an meta data
  • right column is where you can find information on stage and priority
  • middle is where you find the project details
  • View of the overview tab calling out the capacity to tell the business case of the project
  • View of the metrics tab calling out the ability to track project velocity
  • View of the canvas with the priority list expanded

What’s new

  • We added a chart to the righthand column of the dashboard to visualize progression through the stages that organizations have in their customizable stage dropdown
  • We added a priority list drawer to the dashboard:
  • This is where teams can prioritized their assumptions for testing

