A Call for Unity

Jason D. Greenblatt
3 min readMay 16, 2016

In a highly anticipated meeting last Thursday on Capitol Hill, Donald Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan engaged in an extremely constructive discussion of ideas and policy positions, agreeing on many points while acknowledging differences on some others. Importantly, they made great strides toward uniting the Republican Party. Both gentlemen affirmed their strong commitment to working together and continuing to build the coalitions necessary to win in November. While this was their first meeting, it marked a very positive step toward unifying the diverse Republican Party — a crucial process that follows every contested presidential primary season.

After all, recall the bruising primary battle four years ago, when millions of Republican voters rose above substantive differences on everything from the economy to foreign affairs to social policy, to unite behind Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as the Republican Party’s standard bearers. Reflecting the voters who elected them, Republican leaders likewise joined together, knowing how high the stakes: the prospect of four more years of President Obama’s big spending, sluggish growth, dismal labor participation, lopsided trade deals, foreign misadventures, and other ill-advised policies. Donald Trump stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Romney and Ryan, extending his support.

Yet the Republican Party’s efforts to achieve victory in 2012 fell short. Four years later, the stakes have climbed even higher. We the People now face the possibility of a third Obama term in the person of his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton — whose most notable accomplishment was to destabilize Libya and turn North Africa awash with bloodshed continuing to this day. Secretary Clinton also promises to increase spending, on top of Obama’s already jaw-dropping achievement of singlehandedly doubling our national debt. Meanwhile, our president lacks a strategy to combat ISIS — still running rampant, chopping off heads, enslaving religious minorities, and spreading complete chaos.

Had enough yet?

So have the 11 million Americans so far who have cast their votes for Mr. Trump, already exceeding any other candidate in the Republican Party’s history.

That’s why it’s so important for the Republican Party to unite and prevail this fall. Many of the party leaders, who may not have supported Mr. Trump during the primaries, have since made positive gestures toward working together. Still others have yet to heed the voters’ resounding call for change. Mr. Trump’s hand is outstretched to all Republicans — and to Democrats and Independents too! — who understand the historic moment our country has arrived at. Let us join together to return our government ­ — and our nation’s very destiny ­ — to We the People.

Of course, Republicans of goodwill hold a diversity of views across a range of policy issues. That’s unlikely to change under a Trump administration, nor should it. But to Make America Great Again we need to acknowledge that our common purpose far outweighs the differences that sometimes divide us. It is time to heal the divisions in our party. Most of all, it is time to heal the divisions that have pitted Americans against each other for the past seven years. Join with Mr. Trump as he works to mend and bring together the country we truly love.

Jason D. Greenblatt is an Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization and a Co-Founder of www.inspireconversation.com. Follow Jason on Twitter @JasonDovEsq



Jason D. Greenblatt

EVP/Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization, co-chairman of Mr. Trump’s Israel Advisory Committee & Co-Founder of InspireConversation.com