For Our Children: Let’s Elect Donald Trump

Jason D. Greenblatt
4 min readMay 6, 2016


Donald Trump attending the New York State Republican Gala in New York City, April 14, 2016. (Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)

I recently wrote an op-ed entitled Donald Trump is a Visionary with Talents Our Country Needs, in which I shared the specific qualities Mr. Trump possesses that I have admired for many years from my position working as his Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer. I concluded the op-ed by writing that with Mr. Trump as our President, my family and I would be in great hands.

This conviction stems not just from admiration for a man who has built an enormously successful company, but also from my certain belief that the safety and security of our nation depends on electing a leader like Mr. Trump, because he understands the importance of a strong America. As a husband, a father and a citizen of our remarkable country, nothing could be more important to me.

When I speak to my children about Mr. Trump, I try to teach them a broader lesson about life: namely, that they must always strive to learn the truth, and to avoid rushing to a snap judgment or reaching a conclusion until they have considered all of the facts. The media covering the Presidential election does not make this easy; soundbites and hot takes too often replace thoughtful analysis.

When I listened to the foreign policy speech that Mr. Trump gave on April 27th in Washington, D.C., I was reminded of how critical it is for voters to consider the full picture and meaning of a candidate’s message in order to properly assess their merits. I encourage everyone to watch the speech (you can view it here), and for those of you with adolescent children, I recommend that you watch the speech together with them and discuss how Mr. Trump’s plan and message may differ from that which they have heard or read in the news. The speech will provide you with a great opportunity to teach your children about how our country can best fulfill its obligations as the world’s greatest superpower.

Mr. Trump knows the importance of bringing jobs back to our country and reducing our trade deficit in order to have the resources to rebuild our military and regain our financial independence and strength. Under Mr. Trump’s leadership, America would be strong and reliable, and a friend to our allies, who would know that we will stand by them, and together we will shoulder the burden of achieving common security. Mr. Trump recognizes that Israel is our great friend, a force for justice and peace and the one true democracy in the Middle East. Mr. Trump would work to ensure that Iran is never permitted to have nuclear weapons. Above all, Mr. Trump knows that the United States is a humanitarian nation. Mr. Trump would work with our allies in the Muslim world who are affected by radical Islam to defeat radical Islam and promote regional stability. Mr. Trump will shape our nation’s foreign policy to seek common ground based on shared interests, and protect America’s interests and the shared interests of our allies in order to achieve the goal of a peaceful world.

I have written this follow-up because I believe that if people take the time to read beyond the headlines and understand the heart of Mr. Trump’s message and his plan for our nation, and to understand what is genuinely in Mr. Trumps’ heart, they will know that Mr. Trump is a truly unique and qualified candidate. Mr. Trump’s speech represents an important opportunity for voters to learn more about how he would work to ensure a stable, peaceful world while continuing to honor his commitment to keeping America safe and secure.

I hope you and your families find this useful and take the time to learn more about Mr. Trump and his brilliant vision.

Jason D. Greenblatt is the Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization. He has been working with Donald Trump for over 19 years. Jason is also the father of six children and the co-founder of Inspire Conversation, a website designed to promote meaningful conversations, bonding and the sharing of important life lessons between parents and children.



Jason D. Greenblatt

EVP/Chief Legal Officer of The Trump Organization, co-chairman of Mr. Trump’s Israel Advisory Committee & Co-Founder of