
Gerhard Reyneke
3 min readMar 12, 2019

Our network privacy solution.

Since the beginning we’ve always had a privacy issue, is it now the neighbor, government intelligence or even head of state. Always wanting to know what we are up to or even what we are thinking. Why, why can’t we just keep our noses out of other people’s business? Why do we always want to know what other people are doing? Why can’t we just mind our own business and stop to wary what others are up to? Neighbors snooping around other neighbors, big tech firms snooping around everybody’s thoughts, intelligence and government police agencies stealing and hacking our social live and stealing our thought on the internet.

The biggest culprits in the theft of privacy details of our private internet life are also the ones who preach free speech and online privacy. It’s just mind boggling the excuses being made up for them to steal our privacy, our most deep seeded thoughts. Why do they need it, what do they intend to do with it or how much is it worth? It’s starting to feel like we are stuck in George Orwell 1984 novel I read. The state want to control everything, the mind, the body and even our thoughts. We are being spied on continuously and uninterrupted without any break or even with no remorse. Our social and private internet live has got nothing to do with anybody nor any agencies or politicians or big tech companies. Here is the most important question that is on everybody’s mind and tongue, how can we take our social and private life back from the no good infiltrators?

Another thing that gets my life and blood boiling is the ads and the pop-ups. My personal opinion is that they all should be permanently banned or regulated. Ads has become so annoying and irritating. We are being bombarded with ads every day that it can make puke and somehow they get information about us and what we click on to flood us with their unusable garbage. With this useless garbage they tend to tackle the population so that they can buy it and never use it. With this ads comes one of the worst things ever created, pop-up ads. This is just horrible, either they steal you money or they put a computer virus inside and bam, you are screwed, without money and no computer. Why haven’t anybody started banning or regulating these headache that plagues us every day?

With our fast paced advancement of technology we are entering an era where it is possible for a product to protect us from snoopy people trying to steal our information or ads that trying to steal our money through scams. https://honeypod.org/ , let’s have a look. Going through the website I realized that Honeypod can be the answer to our privacy problem. A safe and secure internet connection that can keep unwanted bugs out, and I mean out. Going through the technical specifications of how all can be achieved I was amazed. For a starter the whole device can find in the palm of your hand, just connect to your internet connection by your rooter and boom, you are safe and secure.

Reading through the white paper https://docsend.com/view/6w2kpua I also saw that Honeypod can easily be upgraded. We all know that in one months’ time is very long in technology, last month’s trending product is now old news. So in the end we can get our answer to the question by holding it in our hand or we can be spied on and information stolen, the choice is yours to make. I have made my choice and it is Honeypod.


