The Final Sensory Design: Exploring the New Frontier in Olfactory UX

jacob gruver
4 min readJan 23, 2024


As a burgeoning field in UX design, olfactory UX (User Experience) explores how scent-based design decisions can enhance user experiences. Within the labyrinth of sensory information that the human brain navigates daily, olfactory cues play a significant role in forming perception and memory. They influence mood, drive decisions, and shape experiences. Hence, olfactory UX emerges as an exciting interface between neuroscience and UX design, opening enormous possibilities for multisensory digital experiences that stimulate the sense of smell.

While conventional UX/UI design has primarily engaged sight and sound to create immersive experiences, little has been done to incorporate olfaction until now. Since scents hold a powerful sway over emotions and memories, olfactory UX offers designers the chance to build unforgettable user experiences using scent-based interfaces.

Taking a sneak-peek into the olfactory technology, numerous companies are venturing into creating devices that could emit smells during web navigation or while using an app. ‘Ophone’ by Vapor Communications and ‘FeelReal,’ which produces a multisensory VR mask, expose us to the fascinating potentials of olfactory UX.

However, the practical application of olfactory UX extends beyond device manufacturing. By understanding smell’s psychological resonance, UX designers can leverage olfactory UX strategies to transform users’ digital interactions.

Practical Applications of Olfactory UX:

  1. Enhancing Realism in Virtual Reality (VR): The primary goal of VR is to create a multi-dimensional and immersive simulation that mimics reality. Incorporation of olfactory strokes in VR content could add a layer of hyper-realism, making the experience more believable, engaging, and memorable. For example, Smell-O-Vision in cinema or the ‘Nose’ plugin in VR allows for an enhanced multi-sensory experience that significantly impacts the user’s cognitive immersion.

2. E-commerce and Retail: Olfactory UX holds enormous potential in the e-commerce and retail industry. Imagine being able to sniff a perfume, smell a candle, or savor the aroma of a coffee blend online before making a purchase decision. It revolutionizes user experience, build trust in products, and opens up a new understanding of online shopping.

3. Mood Enhancement Apps: Certain scents have proven therapeutic effects and can evoke specific emotional reactions. The field of aromatherapy has long leveraged this for health and wellness. Today, developers use this knowledge to create mood enhancement apps linked with scent-emitting devices. Users can choose from a variety of aromas to relieve stress, boost mood, or aid in sleep — all enhancing the overall UX.

4. Educational Applications: Olfactory UX can play a pivotal role in strengthening the learning experience. By incorporating smell into study routines or educational applications, a greater depth and semblance of reality can be brought to learning. For example, a student studying botany could experience the scent of the specific plant they’re examining. Similarly, a history enthusiast learning about the French Revolution could sample the distinctive smells from that period.

While the integration of olfaction into UX/UI design presents exciting opportunities, it also poses unique challenges — especially concerning personal preferences, allergies, or possibly unwanted odors. It necessitates a careful balance in employing sensory stimuli to augment user experience effectively.

Future Implications of Olfactory UX:

Olfactory UX is paving the path towards the growing field of multisensory design. As scent-emitting technology continues to improve, the horizons for UX designers will expand dramatically. Forward-thinking designers that can embrace and incorporate these innovations will lead the way in creating next-level user experiences.

The use of scent in UX design enriches digital experiences, imbuing them with a level of realism and immersion previously thought impossible. By understanding and leveraging the power of olfaction, UX designers can push the frontiers of sensory design and create profoundly engaging, personal, and emotional user experiences across digital platforms.

As UX/UI practitioners, our prime endeavor is to create experiences that resonate on a human level. With the advent of olfactory UX, we now have another potential channel to reach our audiences more effectively and meaningfully. The future of UX design is truly multisensory — all we need to do is follow our noses.



jacob gruver

Good beautiful day, Earth-1218. Always excited to create compassionate and empathetic experiences.