2 min readMay 10, 2023


Dear daughter,
There are callous people out there,
People who caress but care less.
They shall prise your heart open, leaving it bare.
And leave you to be your own nurse.

Dear daughter,
There are clever people out there,
People whose words sound sweeter than honey.
People cunning like the legendary hare,
Be not lured into their web by money.

Dear daughter,
There are selfish people out there,
They shall trap your innocent heart,
Use and abuse you, take care,
Lest they leave you broken and falling apart.

Dear daughter,
Back away from lovers that speak like they’re reading from books,
For they love less those that profess their love more.
Nor be you fooled by riches and good looks,
For fair faces have been known to front callous cores.

Dear daughter,
Your body is a gift from God above,
Let it not be by naughty knaves caressed.
Nor let it be abused to prove your love.
Dress it the way you want you to be addressed.

Dear daughter,
Never trouble your heart to make permanent,
That which was destined to be temporary.
Nor vex yourself by trying to augment,
By unnatural means that which did not come naturally.

Dear daughter,
True love exists out there,
Seek it not like hidden treasure.
Live your life fair and square,
And life shall reward you with love of equal measure.

