Ember in 2018: More Playful

Jamie White
1 min readMay 4, 2018


This post is a response to Ember’s 2018 Roadmap: A Call for Blog Posts. Rather than cramming all my thoughts into one post I’m going to post them individually, as they occur.

TL;DR—Let’s flood the web with fun experiments built with Ember

Ember has established itself as a leading tool for serious web apps, but when it comes to hobby projects, wild ideas, prototypes, and fun it isn’t even really in the conversation.

Let’s change that! We have the tools readily at hand (🙌 ember-twiddle, Tomster & Zoey 🙌) and a community of engaged, creative folks from a variety of backgrounds. Let’s create a movement and a platform for our community to share fun examples of what Ember can do.

D3 does this better than any other project or community. Their homepage is a literal honeycomb of colourful examples, and bl.ocks.org remains a stroke of genius.

The homepage for D3.js

I don’t have any concrete suggestions for what this movement/platform should look like, but I know for a fact that we have the creativity within the community. Watch this year’s EmberConf talks from Andrew or Gavin (and all the other speakers 😉) if you need convincing.

Ember in 2018: as fun as Tomster & Zoey 🐹

