Machine Learning System Design — Part 1: Machine Learning System Design

Summary of Machine Learning System Design

11 min readOct 1, 2023
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Course Overview

Designing Systems for Machine Learning is a crucial aspect of any ML interview process. Successfully tackling challenges, pinpointing necessities, and navigating through tradeoffs will distinguish you from the vast pool of applicants.

This page summarizes my series on past machine learning design projects.

Machine Learning Primer

Machine Learning System Design: The 6 Basic Steps to Approach Machine Learning System Design

The article provides insights and examples for self-study on Machine Learning (ML) System Design. For ML engineering roles, top tech companies assess candidates on algorithm problem-solving, system design, and ML knowledge. The typical ML development cycle, including data collection, problem formulation, model creation, implementation, and…

