Seeing the World with New Eyes!

James Hildreth
4 min readJul 17, 2016


I’m not a blogger by any means, but I decided to start one to briefly share my experience as a 40-something getting into the tech world. This change was kinda, sorta helped by being notified that I was being placed on surplus status by the company I spent the last 16 years with. (Surplus status is a lighter way of saying “you have 60 days to find a job or you’ll be removed from payroll”.) Most people would probably want to respond with “I’m sorry” or “This is so unfortunate”, but please…..don’t. I am not looking for sympathy, it was more like a mutual breakup. I decided to leave prior to the 60 day window to pursue a skill set in an in-demand field.

One Saturday afternoon my partner and I were doing our routine grocery shopping. During our commute, a story on NPR discussed a “coding bootcamp”. As the story progressed, I found myself more interested in what this “coding bootcamp” was. My partner mentioned a place like this locally called “The Iron Yard”. I went to their site and read about the company and how some of the stories listed there were people just like me. People who have been interested in tech, ready to make a change, or in a job that was no longer in demand. I thought…this could be me! I quickly emailed the admissions office to get more information. Then…2 weeks later, I was in class. I was starting my journey to becoming a Front End Web Developer. I was going to change my career field to something I knew nothing about. This was a day of mixed emotions. I mean, I knew absolutely NOTHING about programming.

Here is a tidbit of what it’s been like….

Day 1…

I walked into the classroom ready to drink from the Iron Yard tap…

I walked out of the classroom like this…

I learned quickly that “12-Week Immersive” course meant, IMMERSIVE. I love how defines it.

“noting or relating to digital technology or images that actively engage one’s senses and may create an altered mental state.”

It has clearly altered my mental state. I have been involved with this course for the last 5 weeks. I have to tell you that it has been life changing. I was prepared for the technology side to blow my mind, but I was not prepared for how I would deal with things emotionally.

I have not been in an environment where I questioned my ability in a long time. I was the “go-to” guy for the last 16 years. I feel like Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates. I wake up not remembering things. I feel like an idiot, most of the day. I started questioning myself, the school, the instructor… Why is this happening? It’s a pretty simple answer. It’s happening because I am drinking from a fire hose. I am learning things that I never in my wildest dreams imagined. While the feeling is constant, I am finding that I am indeed learning how to code. Is the confidence there? NO. Do I still have lots of questions? YES. I can, however, create a webpage from scratch and do some basic Javascript….and we’re only 33% of the way through!

I cannot expect to learn years of programming in a 12 week program.

I have to take baby steps….

My end result is to learn to code. I have come to terms that I will not leave The Iron Yard on September 2nd with the same skill set a graduate from Rose-Hulman would have, BUT I will have the ability to read/write code to become a junior dev and get a job that will build my confidence and ability to work on more complex things in the future.

You’re probably asking yourself, “does he still feel like he is drinking from a firehose?” The answer would be “YES!” I have learned to deal with it differently. I have to take a smaller sip. I have also learned to ask for help, early and often. The Iron Yard is more than willing to help. Their goal is to make you the best you can be and help you tackle the obstacles along the way. Whether it’s brain power or emotional help the Indianapolis team has been right by my side.

They’re like the Romy to my Michele. They have my back regardless…

Until next time…

