Why The Eyes Of A Narcissist And Psychopath Look Dead

JH Simon
A World Beyond Narcissism
2 min readOct 20, 2023


What gives eyes a sense of feeling, warmth and life is the True Self. Eyes that look alive have ‘soul’. In such cases, a person is aligned within, and in harmony with their emotional flow. Narcissists and psychopaths are alienated from this part of themselves, so they try to emulate the expression of their soul instead.

Almost everyone can sense the fakeness behind the narcissist and psychopath’s feeble attempts at exhibiting humanity. This is called the ‘uncanny valley’. Narcissists and psychopaths usually get the benefit of the doubt, because the idea that someone is not connected to their soul, that they are in fact more robot than human when it comes to soul connection, is terrifying to admit.

When The Eyes Die

‘Dead eyes’ is a dissociative state, where a person disconnects from their True Self and directs their focus toward their outer environment, a person of interest, or a person of potential threat. This leads to a concentration of consciousness away from the body and into the head, or rather, third eye.

This has the following effects:

  • Emotions are no longer felt, which removes any feeling of vulnerability.
  • A birds-eye view effect is created, where a person feels like they are looking out at the world/person…



JH Simon
A World Beyond Narcissism

Writer on a hero’s journey toward truth. Exploring power dynamics in life & love, through fiction & philosophy. https://geni.us/beyond-narcissism