How to parallelise Kafka consumers

Jhansi Karee
5 min readJul 20, 2019


Kafka is an asynchronous messaging queue. Kafka consumer, consumes message from Kafka and does some processing like updating the database or making a network call. If you are fairly new to Kafka concepts, please read my blog on basic concepts of Kafka.

As we see, Kafka consumers might do some time taking operations. This means consumers might not catch up with the speed at which the messages are being produced and thus increasing lag. Lag is the number of new messages which are yet to be read.

One of the good things we get using Asynchronous messaging queues like Kafka, is producers and consumers can write and read at their own speed. But, slow processing consumers could lead to high lag in Kafka. Kafka’s way of solving this problem is by using consumer groups.

What is a Consumer group?

Consumer group is a grouping mechanism of multiple consumers under one group. Data is equally divided among all the consumers of a group, with no two consumers of a group receiving the same data. Let’s see more details about it.

While consuming from Kafka, consumers could register with a specific group-id to Kafka. Consumers registered with the same group-id would be part of one group. Group-id plays a crucial role in consumption from Kafka. Consumers would be able to consume only from the partitions of the topic which are assigned to it by Kafka.

How Kafka assigns the partitions to consumers?

Before assigning partitions to a consumer, Kafka would first check if there are any existing consumers with the given group-id.

When there are no existing consumers with the given group-id, it would assign all the partitions of that topic to this new consumer.
When there are two consumers already with the given group-id and a third consumer wants to consume with the same group-id. It would assign the partitions equally among all the three consumers. No two consumers of the same group-id would be assigned to the same partition.

Suppose, there is a topic with 4 partitions and two consumers, consumer-A and consumer-B wants to consume from it with group-id “app-db-updates-consumer”.

Kafka consumer group

As shown in the diagram, Kafka would assign:

  • partition-1 and partition-2 to consumer-A
  • partition-3 and partition-4 to consumer-B.

This means, the same data wouldn’t consumed by the consumers within the same group.

How to decide on whether to use same or different consumer group for the consumers? It depends on use case to use case. Let’s understand this in more detail.

When to use the same consumer group?

Consumers should be part of the same group, when the consumer performing an operation needs to be scaled up to process in parallel. Consumers part of the same group would be assigned with different partitions. As said before, no two consumers of the same group-id would get assigned to the same partition. Hence, each consumer part of a group would be processing different data than the other consumers within the same group. Leading to parallel processing. This is one of the ways suggested by Kafka to achieve parallel processing in consumers.

When to use the different consumer group?

Consumers should not be within the same group, when the consumers are performing different operations. Some consumers might update the database, while other set of consumers might do some computations with the consumed data. In this case definitely we would want all these different consumers to be reading all the data from all the partitions. Hence, in this kind of use case to read data from all the partitions, we should register these consumers with different group-id.

How would the offsets be maintained for consumers of different groups?

Offset, an indicator of how many messages has been read by a consumer, would be maintained per consumer group-id and partition. When there are two different consumer groups, 2 different offsets would be maintained per partition. Consumers of different consumer groups can resume/pause independent of the other consumer groups. Hence, leaving no dependency between the consumers of different groups.

Let me try to think some of the questions you still might have.

Let’s take the same use case again. When there is a topic with 4 partitions and two consumers, consumer-A and consumer-B are already consuming from it with group-id “app-db-updates-consumer”.

Q. What if consumer-B goes down?
A. Kafka will do rebalancing and it would assign all the four partitions to consumer-A.

Q. What if new consumers, consumer-C and consumer-D starts consuming with the same group-id “app-db-updates-consumer”?
A. Kafka will do rebalancing again and it would assign each consumer with one partition equally.

Q. What if a new consumer, consumer-E joins with the same group-id “app-db-updates-consumer”. This totals to 5 consumers, where the partitions are 4?
A. Kafka will assign 4 consumers with 1 partition each and one consumer out of 5 will be idle.

Q. Can Kafka assign the same partition to two consumers?
A. Kafka can’t assign the same partition to two consumers within the same group. What about different consumer groups then? Partitions are only divided among the consumers of same group. This means Kafka will assign the same partitions to two consumers of different groups.

Q. What is the optimum number of consumers within the same group?
A. Number of consumers within a group can at max be as many number of partitions. Kafka can at max assign one partition to one consumer. If there are more number of consumers than the partitions, Kafka would fall short of the partitions to assign to the consumers. Not all the consumers of the group would get assigned to a partition and hence some of the consumers of the group would be idle.


We have seen how Kafka consumer groups work and how we could parallelise consumers by sharing the same group-id. However with this approach, scaling of consumers can’t go beyond the number of partitions. Can we parallelise the Kafka consumers beyond the number of partitions? Read my blog on how to achieve this.

