Saltwater Crocodiles Devoured 500 Japanese Soldiers in Burma During World War 2

The Ramree Island massacre of 1945, the deadliest crocodile attack recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records

Jhemmylrut Teng
5 min readApr 26, 2021
Battle of Ramree Island | Credit:

CCirca 1945 was the year when the Imperial Japan invasion of Asia was nearing its ends. On all fronts, they were attacked by the Allied forces in full strength, leaving them to either surrender or perish. However, one of the deadliest battles the Japanese soldiers had to endure was the Battle of Ramree, an island in Myanmar, formerly called Burma.

The Japanese were trapped with two kinds of predators: the British Army and deadly saltwater crocodiles.

Japanese Invasion of Burma

Japanese soldiers in the streets of Burma, ca. 1942 | Credit: Blue-eyed Ronin

Since the nineteenth century, the British ruled Burma from 1824 to 1948, from the Anglo-Burmese Wars through the creation of Burma as a province of British India to the establishment of an independently administered colony, and finally independence.

After three Anglo-Burma Wars (1825, 1852, and 1885), Burma was conquered and transformed into a British colony.



Jhemmylrut Teng

Media adviser for international relations and content creator during free time. A former TV Reporter. A life warrior.