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John Hamilton Farr?

This Won’t Answer Everything, But It’s a Start

John Hamilton Farr


John Hamilton Farr currently lives in Taos, New Mexico, U.S.A. with his classical pianist wife. That she’s still with him after thirty-five years is no small endorsement in itself and should suffice, but for the record, as New York Times best-selling author James C. Moore (Bush’s Brain) put it in a review of John’s first book, “Buffalo Lights is the work of a man attuned to the world who sees it differently than you and I and writes about it with a language and a vision of life that is impossible to ignore.”

From Another Day in Paradise, John’s latest book, available on iBooks and Amazon:

Dogs barked everywhere, though not too close. The wind hissed through the chamisa and rustled the elm tree branches. A woodpecker hammered on the dead aspen tree down by the acequia. Someone far away was playing with a chainsaw. Doves cooed out their useless mating calls. Every now and then an idiot kicked a cow. Juan allowed his eyes to open as a magpie chattered overhead, but the bird flew off and left him pure. That could have been unpleasant, he thought, sensing life and danger everywhere. Six hours later, the moon rose over the mountain. A total eclipse was already well underway, with a sizable arc of the orb in darkness. Juan stood outside and watched a long time in the strange warm air. More dogs barked than usual. As the sky grew dark, he imagined it was colder and went back in the house. Outside adobe walls, the wind picked up in bursts, unsettled, looking for something to push. The edge between the worlds was open if one knew to smell it. Unlived lives shot out from holes.

John is the author of BUFFALO LIGHTS: Tales from an American Journey, TAOS SOUL: Love Stories, Heroes, and Wild Adventure, The HELEN CHRONICLES: When Your Mother Falls Apart, and ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE: Notes from Taos. He has been publishing online since 1996 (Zoo Zone, Farr Site, MacFaust, GRACK!, FarrFeed) and blogs regularly at JHFARR.COM.

You can follow him on Twitter @jhfarr. The monthly JHF✫NEWS features writer stuff and giveaways. Every photo posted on the blog is available for sale at SmugMug—if you never buy a thing, the images are still amazing and reveal the story of a life. Elsewhere there’s an online store with fine art merchandise like “Real Taos” posters and “Official Peyote” tote bags.

More soon…



John Hamilton Farr

SELF-DRIVING MAN ☀︎ “The edge between the worlds was open if one knew to smell it. Unlived lives shot out from holes.” JHFARR.COM & GODDAMNBUFFALO.COM.