Jacqui GeorgiA Week of DaysWhen standing in the entrance to and walking through the silent aisles of the wine cellar, the sommelier’s face relaxed into an expression…Jun 30, 2018Jun 30, 2018
Jacqui GeorgiA Day in the LifeNormally the housekeeper would have sent one of her household staff to the candle maker’s shop. Picking up the week’s order of specially…Jun 27, 2018Jun 27, 2018
Jacqui GeorgiThe Dinner PartyThe host’s secretary pondered the guest list. He had been told to find three unlikely people. Would these be acceptable?Jun 11, 2018Jun 11, 2018
Jacqui GeorgiA short week of short stories courtesy of ReedsyPeriodically I try to be a creative writer. I fail more often than not at completing NaNoWriMo so maybe attempting a full-length manuscript…Jun 8, 2018Jun 8, 2018
Jacqui GeorgiOne way data invades voting and makes organizing more difficultA rant!May 31, 2018May 31, 2018
Jacqui GeorgiVoting in the middle yearsOtherwise known as the years of the split ticketMay 30, 2018May 30, 2018
Jacqui GeorgiWhen I became a voterI became a voter in response to the Vietnam war.May 29, 2018May 29, 2018