Mastering Zed: A Beginner’s Guide to the Shadow Ninja

3 min readJun 7, 2024


Welcome to the world of League of Legends! In this guide, we’ll delve into the shadowy realm of Zed, the Master of Shadows. Zed is a high-damage assassin champion known for his agility and ability to swiftly eliminate his targets. Whether you’re new to Zed or looking to improve your skills, this guide will provide you with the basics to get started on your journey to mastering the art of the Shadow Ninja.

Understanding Zed’s Abilities: Before jumping into the fray, it’s essential to understand Zed’s abilities and how they work together to maximize his effectiveness.

  1. Contempt for the Weak (Passive): Zed’s passive ability, Contempt for the Weak, causes his basic attacks against targets below 50% health to deal bonus magic damage. This ability synergizes well with his burst damage kit, allowing him to finish off weakened enemies with ease.
  2. Razor Shuriken (Q): Zed’s primary poking and wave-clearing ability, Razor Shuriken, sends out a shuriken in a straight line, dealing physical damage to all enemies it passes through. Learning to aim and land your Razor Shurikens consistently is crucial for harassing opponents and securing kills.
  3. Living Shadow (W): Living Shadow is Zed’s key mobility and positioning tool. When activated, Zed dashes in the target direction and leaves behind a shadow clone for a few seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow allows Zed to swap positions with his shadow, providing him with unparalleled mobility for both engaging and escaping.
  4. Shadow Slash (E): Shadow Slash is Zed’s area-of-effect ability, which deals physical damage to all enemies around him. Additionally, enemies hit by Shadow Slash are slowed for a short duration, making it easier for Zed to stick to his targets or evade incoming threats.
  5. Death Mark (R): Zed’s ultimate ability, Death Mark, marks a target enemy champion and, after a brief delay, dashes to them, dealing physical damage based on the target’s maximum health. The real power of Death Mark lies in its secondary effect: after a few seconds, Zed’s shadow dashes back to his original position, dealing additional physical damage based on the damage dealt to the target while marked. Mastering the timing and execution of Death Mark is essential for securing kills and escaping danger.

Building Your Zed: When it comes to building Zed, prioritizing items that enhance his burst damage, mobility, and survivability is key. Here’s a basic build to get you started:

  1. Starting Items: Doran’s Blade or Long Sword with Health Potions.
  2. Core Items: Eclipse (Mythic), Edge of Night, and Youmuu’s Ghostblade.
  3. Boots: Plated Steelcaps (against AD-heavy teams) or Mercury’s Treads (against AP-heavy teams).
  4. Offensive Items: Serylda’s Grudge, Lord Dominik’s Regards, or Serpent’s Fang.
  5. Defensive Items: Guardian Angel, Sterak’s Gage, or Death’s Dance.

Remember to adapt your build according to the specific needs of each game and the compositions of both teams.

Mastering Zed’s Playstyle: To excel with Zed, it’s essential to master his playstyle, which revolves around quick decision-making, precise execution, and effective use of his abilities.

  1. Poking and Farming: Utilize Razor Shuriken to harass your opponents in lane while also farming minions to maintain a gold advantage.
  2. Mobility and Positioning: Take advantage of Living Shadow to dart in and out of combat, repositioning yourself for maximum effectiveness while avoiding enemy threats.
  3. Engaging and Bursting: When looking to secure kills, use Death Mark in conjunction with your other abilities to unleash devastating burst damage on priority targets.
  4. Split Pushing: Zed excels at split pushing due to his ability to quickly clear waves and duel opponents. Use this to pressure side lanes and draw enemy attention away from key objectives.
  5. Team Fighting: In team fights, focus on assassinating high-value targets such as enemy carries or squishy mages. Wait for opportune moments to dive in and unleash your full combo before retreating to safety.

Conclusion: With practice and dedication, you can become a master of Zed, striking fear into the hearts of your enemies with your shadowy prowess. Remember to remain patient and always look for opportunities to outplay your opponents. Whether you’re slicing through enemy lines or outmaneuvering your foes with swift precision, Zed offers endless possibilities for those willing to embrace the darkness. Good luck on your journey to mastering the art of the Shadow Ninja!

