How to cook chips in an air fryer | Crispy for every bite

Jhon Madden
3 min readJun 14, 2022


Best air fryer chips Recipe and tips to make perfect chips in an air fryer. This crisp homemade recipe on how to cook chips in an air fryer is tested with different types of potatoes and oil, so it will work regardless of your air fryer.


  • Potatoes: You’ll need about 4 medium potatoes for this recipe, but you can use any type of potato. Just keep in mind that different varieties have different levels of moisture, so they’ll end up varying in how they cook and crisp up. Russets and baking potatoes will be more fluffy and get crispy on the outside while Yukon Golds will be creamy inside with a little more bite to them.
  • Cooking oil: You want to use an oil that has a high smoke point so it doesn’t burn when cooked at high temperatures (such as olive oil). If you’d like to use something else, avocado oil is also great!
  • Salt & pepper: Feel free to add salt and pepper according to your own preferences — we prefer just a touch of each!

These ingredients can vary according to your preference. Condiments such as salt and pepper should not be overused and this will spoil the taste of the fries in long-term consumption. Keep in mind if you are using some kind of dip then it is best that the levels of these are kept to a minimum.

These ingredients are tested with the proper amounts to cook chips in an air fryer and using other methods will spoil the recipe. We strongly recommend using an air fryer for this purpose as the right amount of temperature can be set and good cooking results can be expected for the question ‘how to cook chips in an air fryer’


  • Prepare the chips
  • Remove any excess packaging from your bag of chips, then place them in the air fryer basket.
  • Put the chips in the air fryer
  • Set your air fryer to 390 degrees Fahrenheit for crispy chip perfection every time! This will vary depending on which brand of air fryer you have, so pay attention to your owner’s manual if you’re unsure of how long yours cooks at this temperature (most are between 30 minutes and 45 minutes). If yours has multiple fan speeds, try lowering it by one or two settings after 15 minutes into cooking and see how they turn out before they cool down enough to eat right away — you may like them better than what we did here today!

Enjoy delicious, crispy chips made in an air fryer!

Air frying is healthy and easy to use! You can cook more than just chips. You can make your favourite foods, desserts, and more in the air fryer. It’s perfect for cooking crispy treats like French fries, onion rings, and chicken fingers — you name it!

The secret to an air fryer is that it uses hot air instead of oil to cook food. The hot heat circulates around each piece of food until they’re nice and golden brown. This means that all those delicious flavours stay locked inside without any unhealthy grease getting in the way! Cooking chips in an air fryer is complicated if you use the traditional oily dip which will as result give you an unhealthy environment. That’s why the air fryer is able to get the best out of the ingredients as well as produce a healthy snack.

Whether you’re looking for a healthier alternative or just want something crunchy on your plate for dinner tonight — this recipe has got you covered!


For a quick and easy snack or side dish, you can make delicious chips in an air fryer. Just add oil, salt, and pepper to the potatoes before putting them into the fryer. After 10 minutes at 400°F, they’ll come out with that perfect golden brown colour you’re looking for! For even more flavour, try adding garlic powder or other spices like paprika before cooking. Here we have covered how to cook chips in an air fryer for the best results.

