Chaining Asynchronous Functions in Swift

Rajiv Jhoomuck
3 min readAug 7, 2017


In this article, we will see how we can use function composition in Swift to chain multiple asynchronous requests (without necessarily going for RxSwift).

Edit: Brandon Kase pointed out that this kind of composition is actually called a Kleisli composition and the correct operator to use was the fish / Kleisli operator: >=>(instead of |>).

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Say we have a payment validation application that has the following models:

Starting from a customer identifier, we want to know if the customer can make an online purchase. We create a customer with an identifier. The other properties will need to be fetched from the server individually. Therefore in order for a customer to be able to make a purchase, we need to fetch the name, billing address and the credit card information.

Flow of information to validate purchase for example.

A generic request to a web service might look like the following:

Generic request

We take some input, that we use to make the request. When the request successfully completes, it transforms the data into the expected ResponseType, wraps it in into the now famous Result type and calls our completion block with that result. If an error occurs, it is wrapped in a Result and passed in the completion.

Here is the interface of our request API that is based on the above signature:

Typealiased the completion to make the signature cleaner

To make the validation that we talked about, this is the code that we might actually write somewhere in our app:

The above snippet clearly indicates that chaining requests in this manner will drive us mad one day. It is very difficult to tell what is exactly happening here, simply by glossing over the code. Let’s try to come up with something that resembles this diagram:

As you should have guessed, we will use function composition to achieve that.

Let’s us take our generic request function:

func fetch(_ input: InputType, completion:(Result<ResponseType>) -> Void)

and represent it with the following alias:

public typealias Request<T, U> = (T, @escaping RequestCompletion<U>) -> Void

In our case, U will map to Result<ResponseType>.

Next, we will define an operator that will allow us to pipe our requests.

Breaking down the >=> operator

This operator is generic over 3 types: T, Uand V and takes 2 functions f and g as parameters where:

  • f takes a T and completes with a Result<U>
  • g takes a U and completes with a Result<V>.

It returns a composed function with a signature: Request<T, Result<V>> i.e a function which takes the input of f and completes with a Result<V>.


  • input is of type T
  • combineCompletion is of type RequestCompletion<Result<V>>.

This returned function’s implementation starts by applying f,then in f’s completion block, it switches over a Result<U>.

  • If f completed with a .success, it curries on with the success value and calls g with it. When g completes (with a Result<V>) it executes combineCompletion with that result.
  • If f completed with a .failure it does not move any further and calls combineCompletion with the corresponding error.

With that in place, our complicated validation code above becomes:

We first compose a validation function with our 3 requests. Then to perform the actual validation, we just pass in the customer identifier and in its completion block we switch on the resultto see if we managed to get all the required properties of the customer.

That’s all there is to it!


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