Job Search 101: Creating a Strategic Plan

Jerry Huang
4 min readJul 8, 2020


My job searching strategic plan. The template I create can be found here

Before COVID, we were living in one of the greatest job markets in our generation. I graduated from the Flatiron School Software Engineering program almost three months ago and was planning on finding a job within a few weeks. No one could have predicted the economy would top almost 30% unemployment and that companies would slow or completely stop hiring. That is the current reality. So now what do we do? We plan!

Based on Corporate Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the bread and butter of any corporate organization. Studies have shown that have a strategic plan improves organizational performance.

Strategic planning has a positive, moderate, and significant impact on organizational performance in the private and public sectors, across international settings.

The findings suggest that strategic planning should be part of the standard managerial approaches in contemporary organizations and contradict many of the critiques of strategic planning.


I have seven years of corporate experience in finance, accounting, logistics, operations, and strategy positions. Every year, we created strategic plans for almost every level of the organization. These consisted of a high-level vision, objectives, strategies, and actions. The company as a whole had a plan. Our organization pyramid had a plan. Our department had one. Even individual employees had a plan for their annual performance review.

My wonderful career coach, Maritza Reveron, suggested that I take the same approach for my job search. Utilize my corporate experience and draft my strategic plan for my job search.

Think of a strategic plan as a lighthouse. a navigational aid to help guide you to where you need to go. The fog is thick and the future is uncertain. Having a strategic plan in place is creating a beacon to ensure you are at least moving in the right direction. Even if you are still unemployed in six months, you will have vastly improved your position.

Step 1: Clarify Your Vision and Purpose

Clearly define what the purpose of this plan

What is the purpose of the plan? Try to be more specific if possible. “Getting a job” is valid. However, is there a specific industry? Is there anything you want from the company? A minimum salary?

Find a software engineering position in a company that I am passionate about within 6 months (for $XX,000).

Step 2: Set Objectives

What do I want to accomplish? Why am I doing it? How does it line up to my vision?

Create three to four things that you want to improve on. These should have a direct impact on helping you get employed. My four objectives that I think will have a direct impact on my employability. Define why these will improve your employability:

Create three to four objectives that you want to accomplish. These objectives should have a direct impact on your employability. Define why these will improve your employability:

  1. Increase Connections: having more opportunities available
  2. Add New Skills: being more marketable having broader skill sets
  3. Improve on Algorithms: being prepared for technical interviews
  4. Create Projects: demonstrate my development and design skills to employers

Step 3: Create Strategies

What am I going to do to hit my objectives?

Further, elaborate on your objectives. What are the specific things you want to accomplish?

  1. Increase Connections: Will allow me to have more opportunities available
  2. Add New Skills: Will make me more marketable by having broader skill sets
  3. Improve on Algorithms: I will be prepared for technical interviews
  4. Create Projects: I will have a complete portfolio to demonstrate my abilities

Step 4: Create Measurable actions

How and when am I going to do it

This is a section where you list out exactly how you aim to accomplish your objectives. Be as specific as you can. If you want to make more Connections. Set a quantifiable and measurable goal that you can hold yourself accountable for such as reaching out to eight people each week.

Wrapping up

I pull up my plan every Monday to make sure I am still on the right track. In this current job environment, it can be very discouraging. There are not that many opportunities. Recruiters are not responding. Just remind yourself that you are doing everything correctly and you are on the right path.

I have only recently implemented this strategy but it has helped me stay focused and have completed 50 LeetCode problems and 50% of a 30hr Udemy course in a few weeks. I have also been hammering away at my personal projects.

We are in this together. If you are in the job market, I encourage you to take my strategic planning as a guide and to craft your plan. My template can be found here.

Would love to hear from you if you decide to make your own strategic plan. Please feel free to contact me!

