Gathering the Circle: How Calling in the Wisdom of Our Closest Friends Gets Us Through Life’s Toughest Times

Julia E Hubbel
Ascent Publication


Lisa leaned across the table, her bright eyes sparkling. I really, really love this woman.
Don’t sell your asset, she said, with great emphasis. DO NOT SELL YOUR ASSET.

Lisa’s common-law husband’s been in Denver real estate for many decades. That’s why I was asking.

Lisa is part of my Circle. A dear and beloved friend for decades, in her sixties, a serious lifelong athlete and conservationist, a lover of mountains and animals and dedicated Lib, she has been a precious part of my life for a very long time.

This was the fourth of these dense, rich conversations I’ve had in the last month.

I’m writing my third book. The basic premise (and this stands as something of an open invitation to my various Medium peeps who are experiencing much the same thing, so please feel free to write me here) is that when you and I go through a massive change, we need input. Not just any input, the BEST input.

Here’s the piece: I’ve been laid off from huge corporations six times during my life. As is inevitable when you shove yourself into the River of Life, shit has happened. I went through divorce, bankruptcy, I’ve thrown all I own into a storage unit and…



Julia E Hubbel
Ascent Publication

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.