Continuously Bet on Dark — Was Wesley Kills Onto Something?

6 min readOct 19, 2022


Roulette table and wheel with chips

Continuously Bet on Dark — Was Wesley Kills Onto Something?

“Continuously bet on dark” must be one of the most notable film lines ever. Obviously, Wesley Kills was discussing himself, and not roulette, when he said that scandalous line, harking back to the 1992 film, Traveler 57.

I as of late re-watched Traveler 57, and started to ponder… Was Wesley Kills onto something? I chose to play 500 twists on roulette to find out!
I Put “Consistently Bet on Dark” to the Test
Before I enlighten you regarding the consequences of this test, let me frame its boundaries. To go with sure that my singular choices or predispositions didn’t impact the test, I did the accompanying.

  • I utilized a nonexclusive roulette test system 카지노사이트 which I viewed as on the web. I would have rather not picked a particular programming organization like Microgaming, which would have been a singular inclination.
  • I set the test system to auto-play. I set the test system to play irregular numbers and even cash wagers in order to get a decent blend.
  • I involved an European roulette variation for this test. That implies there was just a single zero pocket. I had somewhat preferred chances over I would have assuming that I’d played American roulette.
  • I set the test system to stop after 500 twists for an enormous example size. I likewise downloaded the outcomes and set them up in a configuration that is not difficult to peruse for you.

We should check the outcomes out.

As may be obvious, from 500 twists, dark came up 47% of the time, red outcomes happened on 48.8% of the twists, and the ball arrived in the zero pocket on 4.2% of the twists.

Thus, I’m frustrated to tell you, yet there’s literally nothing to Wesley Kill’s notorious line with regards to roulette. On this event, you’d have lost cash assuming that you generally bet on dark, yet you could never have been vastly improved in the event that you had wagered on red by the same token.

Obviously, truly I previously thought this would the case go in. That is on the grounds that I comprehend how roulette games work. Presently, I will clear up for you why red and dark will continuously emerge about a considerably number of times when you play roulette long haul.

Figuring out Roulette Chances

I make it a highlight attempt and teach my perusers at whatever point I can, and I likewise attempt to scatter fantasies, betting notions, and deceptions. Holding them will just objective you dissatisfaction, and, surprisingly, more terrible, could really make you lose cash when you play roulette and other club games 안전 온라인카지노 추천.

Like all club games, wanton math administers roulette.

  • American Roulette — When you bring in an even cash red/dark bet while playing American roulette, your chances of being correct are 47.4%. That is whether or not you bet on red or dark.
  • European Roulette — When you play single-zero European roulette games, your chances of being correct are 48.6%. Why somewhat better chances? This is on the grounds that there’s just a single zero pocket, though, in American roulette there are two.

Look back up to our game outcomes once more and see. You’ll track down that the outcomes, 48.8% (red) and 47% (dark), are totally in arrangement with what you’d anticipate in the wake of finding out about European roulette chances.

Any transient abnormality from these chances will be evened out over an adequate number of hands. Without a doubt, conceivable dark might come up multiple times in succession, and when it does, you can holler, “Definitely, child! Continuously bet on dark!” Yet it will all level out inevitably.

How Are Online Not entirely settled?

It’s very straightforward the way that live roulette game still up in the air. You see the vendor turn the wheel, they discharge the ball from their hand, and it lands in either a red, dark, or green pocket.

There are 18 potential open doors each for it to land in red or dark pockets (36 altogether), and one for it to land in a green pocket when you play European roulette.

Be that as it may, shouldn’t something be said about when you play computerized roulette games? How are roulette results chose then, at that point?

That is where Irregular Number Generators come in. There’s a first rate article on RNGs here. To put it plainly, these are PC calculations which produce millions, or even billions, of numbers each second. Each number is related with a game result, for this situation, a roulette number. At the point when you hit turn, one of these numbers is chosen, and the number will either be red, dark, or green.

All in all, with “consistently bet on dark” out of commission as a piece of roulette guidance, how might you work on your possibilities winning roulette?

Five Roulette Tips That Work

Most importantly, disregard continuously wagering on dark. That could work temporarily assuming you utilize the Martingale framework in any case, as our outcomes show, you will not go anyplace with it over the long haul.

Here are the main successful roulette tips I’m mindful of:

  • Continuously go European — Pick European roulette when you have a decision. The house edge may just be marginally lower, yet more than many twists, that will add up. More than huge number of twists… You understand.
  • Use roulette rewards — A few club will offer you no store rewards or store matches. In the event that you’ve been playing for some time, they could offer you a reload reward. Continuously take these, yet know about their prerequisites. When rewards are fair, they are in a real sense free play on genuine cash roulette. How could you turn that down?
  • Stop while you’re ahead — You’ve proactively seen that, at the end of the day, results generally even out to what game chances direct. In the event that you go on a series of wins and fourfold your cash, Leave. You can’t beat the house over the long haul. Look back up, and concentrate on the aftereffects of my 500 twists. Do as such however long it takes to soak in. You must eventually bow to math. It runs the universe, and it runs roulette, as well.
  • Disregard roulette frameworks — Very much like “consistently bet on dark,” the well known roulette frameworks will bomb you in the long haul. Whether it’s the Martingale, the Paroli, or the Fibonacci framework, the divine forces of the chances will even out every one of them to the ground. These can work throughout two or three dozen twists at the same time, north of 500, they are delivered feeble. Simply pick a number or an even cash bet and twist.
  • Comprehend the roulette wagers — Each roulette bet has different payouts and chances. In the event that you’re wagering on single numbers, for instance, you have a 2.7% possibility winning a 35–1 payout while playing European roulette. In the event that you make a red or dark bet, you have a 48.6% possibility multiplying your cash. Seeing all of the different roulette wagers will assist you with settling on better wagering choices.


In this way, Wesley Kills was off-base, basically with regards to roulette. It’s basically impossible to beat the framework. Roulette is a tomfoolery shot in the dark, and you have similarly as a very remarkable possibility winning in the event that you bet on red as you really do on dark. Assuming that you generally bet on dark, you will lose. click here for more

This has been loads of good times for me, and I trust it was for you. In the event that you appreciated Traveler 57 and found this article helpful, why not share it with your companions and individual film fans? Goodness, and keeping in mind that you’re grinding away, why not test my outcomes by scrutinizing them for yourself?

