Python Code for Rediscovering Lost Crypto Wallets

Unlocking Digital Vaults: Python’s Quest to Find the Lost Wallets

The Maven
3 min readMar 30, 2024

Our adventure begins with a special Python script that acts like a clever detective, searching for secret keys that unlock treasures hidden in the digital realm.

Here’s what our Python script does:

  1. Generate Random Private Keys: Our script creates random private keys, which are like secret codes that can unlock treasures. These keys are 32 bytes long and are generated using a special tool called secrets.
  2. Check Validity of Private Keys: It checks if each generated private key is valid according to specific rules. If a key passes the validity check, it means it could potentially unlock a treasure.
  3. Generate Bitcoin Addresses: For valid private keys, our script transforms them into Bitcoin addresses. Think of these addresses as the locations where treasures might be hidden.
  4. Check Balance of Bitcoin Addresses: Our script queries a service called BlockCypher to check if there are any treasures (i.e., Bitcoin funds) associated with each address. If a treasure is found, it means the corresponding private key can unlock it.
  5. Save Valid Private Keys to Log: When a valid private key with associated funds is discovered, our script saves it to a log file named private_keys_log.txt. This log serves as a record of all the treasures we've found.
  6. Continuous Execution: The script runs in a loop, continuously generating and processing private keys. This ensures that it never stops searching for treasures.

By combining these functions, our Python script acts as an adventurous explorer, tirelessly searching for hidden treasures within the vast digital landscape. With each valid private key it finds, it adds another entry to our logbook, documenting our thrilling journey.


import secrets
from bitcoin import *
from blockcypher import get_address_overview
import time

def generate_random_private_key():
# Generate a random 32-byte (256-bit) private key
private_key = secrets.token_bytes(32)
return private_key

def is_valid_private_key(private_key):
decoded_private_key = decode_privkey(private_key, 'bytes')
return 0 < decoded_private_key < N
return False

def get_address_from_private_key(private_key):
public_key = privtopub(private_key)
address = pubtoaddr(public_key)
return address

def check_balance(address):
overview = get_address_overview(address, coin_symbol="btc")
final_balance = overview.get('final_balance', None)
if final_balance is not None:
return final_balance > 0
print("Error: Unable to retrieve balance information for address:", address)
return False
except Exception as e:
print("Error fetching balance for address:", address, "-", str(e))
return False

def save_to_log(log_filename, private_key):
with open(log_filename, 'a') as log_file:
log_file.write("Valid Bitcoin private key with funds: {}\n".format(private_key.hex()))
print("Private key logged to file:", private_key.hex())

def process_private_key(private_key):
print("Processing private key:", private_key.hex())
if is_valid_private_key(private_key):
print("Valid private key:", private_key.hex())
address = get_address_from_private_key(private_key)
print("Generated address:", address)
if check_balance(address):
print("Secure Bitcoin private key found with funds:", private_key.hex())
save_to_log("private_keys_log.txt", private_key)
print("Bitcoin private key does not have funds:", private_key.hex())
print("Invalid private key:", private_key.hex())

if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Bitcoin wallet security script started.")
while True:
random_private_key = generate_random_private_key()
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", str(e))

# Add a delay between iterations to prevent excessive resource consumption
time.sleep(1) # Adjust the delay as needed

Disclaimer: The content provided in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. While the Python code discussed may help in exploring the concepts of cryptocurrency wallets and blockchain technology, it is crucial to emphasize responsible usage. The use of the Python code should be approached responsibly, with full respect for legal and ethical considerations. The author and publisher of this blog do not endorse or encourage any illegal activities or irresponsible behavior. Readers are advised to use the information and tools provided herein at their own discretion and risk.



The Maven

I write about healthy living, biz savvy, personal growth & finance, and our precious planet Earth. Let's make every word count!