Announcement regarding BTC.TOP mining BSV block (560713)

Jiang Zhuoer (BTC.TOP)
1 min readDec 14, 2018


1. This block is in fact the second block in which BTC.TOP used BSV client for mining. The first empty block was mined right before the BCH hardfork and its purpose was to test the system for the HashWar.

2. As you can see, the claim that CSW made to attack BCH and his intentions to declare a HashWar did not happen. His original intention was to create a split BSV chain, which is fully controlled by him. ‘Fork, no split’ was a lie from CSW to his supporters.

3. Subsequently, there is some testing hash (contributed by a couple of miners) in the system. In the morning of 14 December, due to an element of good luck (which only incurred 3% of the usual mining cost), one block was created by accidentally .

4. As mentioned on 11 December on my Weibo post: ‘The split has come to an end as the ultimate goal of both sides is to become a global currency. Both parties should on track for development. Moreover, we still have BTC — a huge competitor ahead, therefore there is no need to attack each other.’

CSW has caused detrimental effects to the BCH community and I still think that CSW is a liar. However, I also hope for the best for both the BCH and BSV communities and that both sides will acquire more users in the future.

