Jian Qiu Huang
2 min readMay 25, 2018

I find it hard to believe that:

… our life-supporting universe suddenly pops up from no thing.
… humans come from a cesspool of slime and from this smelly slurry concoction we came into being.
… my early ancestors were no more than a rock.
… one day in the future there could be flying pigs or my dog can evolve into a cat.
… the design of the iPhone has no intelligence behind it. It merely popped into existence and Sir John Ive played no part in it.
… moral rights are subjective to human interpretation based on culture, or ethics.
… mother Teresa’s activities were no different to Hitler’s and that moral wrong of torturing babies for fun is subjective to each person’s interpretation.

I’d rather believe that:

… the universe came from a ‘big bang’ caused by a Big Banger.
… humans were created in the likeness and image of this Big Banger.
… this Big Banger designed and created us with objective moral standards that are universally applicable. How do we know that? Well between mother Teresa and Hitler I know who I would rather hire as my baby sitter.
… this Big Banger is eternal, all-powerful, personal, and purposeful.

Big Banger

This Big Banger is God.

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Jian Qiu Huang

I type with my fingers which are controlled by my heart. Writer and author of "The Yellow Banana." https://goo.gl/pb5v51