The Trinity explained in human terms

Jian Qiu Huang
5 min readJun 7, 2018


A conversation with God regarding the Trinity.

It’s 4:30am with a warm drink in my hand. I wonder about how the meteorological department can often get the weather so wrong despite their multimillion-dollar computers. The rain is now pouring outside when it is not supposed to rain today.

Mankind has got many things wrong and there are much more they will never able to comprehend.”

Morning God you are early today?

Sleep is created for you. I do not sleep.” (Psalm 121:4)

What you just said is so right. We think we know, but in reality, scientists and theologians are only scratching at the surface of knowledge. The whole idea of Trinity, for instance, is one of the hottest topics amongst theologians and until now we are no nearer to understanding it.””

Infinite God cannot be understood nor described by finite illustrations. (Romans 11:33). That is why the concept of Trinity will not be fully understood let alone described by man. That is also why the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible.”

“Man can only perceive through relative terms. For instance, you cannot understand “that which is”, without “that which is not”. This is the limitation of man.”

Oh! That is so true.

Infinite God, the I AM, the Alpha, the Omega, the First and the Last,— are all in absolute terms (Revelation 22:13). These and many other qualities of Mine are unknowable (Isaiah 55: 8–9) to man, especially to your scientists.”

Please give me an example.

In your relative realm, you need to have a “There” before you know that you are “Here”. You do that because you cannot understand that there is only “Here” present and there is no “There” because when you get “There” it immediately becomes a “Here”.

“You cannot understand that in the absolute realm there is only HERE, there is no start nor end, no first nor last and no there nor here. You also further confuse yourselves by inventing the word “nowhere” to define not being here nor there. The word NOW-HERE subtly tells you that you have already missed the point because when you are nowhere you are already ‘Now Here’.”

Finite beings can only grasp WHAT IS in the presence of WHAT IS NOT. Without another reference point you will not be able to comprehend a given position.

From your limited perspective, to try and understand Me, the I AM, the Alpha, the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End all existing at once (Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 Corinthians 8:4; Galatians 3:20) is beyond your capability.”

“I Am the absolute realm, (the infinite) while you are in the relative realm, (the finite) and because of this My ways are unsearchable and unfathomable if viewed through your relative realm” (Romans 11:33).”

“For instance ‘time’ happens at once, that is now (John 8:58), but for you, ‘time’ is linear — yesterday, today, tomorrow. You cannot wrap your mind around the thought that ‘before I was I AM’.”

“That is why your scientists will never get to understand my essence. At best, they can only DESCRIBE what is. But for Me, I PRESCRIBE what ought to be.”

How then can you help me at least have some comprehension of what Trinity is?

Trying to describe Trinity would be a futile exercise. For instance, the egg analogy is used by many theologians to explain the concept of Trinity. But this example falls short of the truth, as each part of the egg (yolk, egg white and shell) is considered independent and not the egg itself.”

“The only way to make human understand is to provide an experience so that humans can learn through seeing, feeling and then planting the results of their experience in their hearts. It is only through this that you will ever KNOW the infinite God.”

Given this introduction, are you ready for the Trinity now in human terms?

Yes, please.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

“FATHER: I Am the All Knowing (Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient). There is only Me and no other. I Am the begetter of all knowledge, for you cannot experience that which you do not KNOW.” (Deuteronomy 6:4)

“SON: For you to know Me, I sent My Son to be the Mediator so that you can see, touch, and hear the infinite God (1 Timothy 2:5). The acting out of God’s knowledge as you cannot BE that which you have not seen, hear of touch.

“HOLY SPIRIT: This is the final result, planted in your hearts for each member of the Triune God is in you (1 Corinthian 3:16), providing the means to experience righteousness for you are BE-ING that you have now experienced.”

“To know God, you need to experience and accept all three. They are the inseparable parent-child relationship pointing to:

That which give rise to (The Father)
That which has risen (The Son)
That which Is (The Holy Spirit)

“It is only through this Tri-experience of Knowing, Experiencing and finally Be-ing can you understand righteousness. They are inseparable and yet distinct, but all give rise to the final “Which Is God”. The all-in-one within the one-in-all.”

Wooooo!, thank you Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit

You are welcome, you are welcome, you are welcome.

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Jian Qiu Huang

I type with my fingers which are controlled by my heart. Writer and author of "The Yellow Banana."