A Deep Dive into AI Large Models: Parameters, Tokens, Context Windows, Context Length, and Temperature

4 min readApr 27, 2024


Generated By Midjourney

As artificial intelligence technology continues to evolve, AI large models have demonstrated formidable capabilities across various fields, garnering widespread attention. When exploring these models, terms such as “parameters,” “tokens,” “context windows,” “context length,” and “temperature” often surface. What do these terms signify, and how do they impact AI large models?

This article will demystify these concepts in a clear and approachable manner, incorporating real-world examples and data to help you comprehend the operational mechanisms of AI large models.

Parameters: Complexity and Performance Indicators of the Model

Parameters are variables that AI models learn and adjust during the training process. The number of parameters determines the model’s complexity and performance. More parameters allow the model to represent more complex relationships, thus achieving better results on tasks, but this also requires more training data and computational resources.

For instance, GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters, while WuDao 2.0 boasts a staggering 1.75 trillion parameters. This means that WuDao 2.0 can learn more complex data patterns, exhibiting stronger capabilities in natural language processing, machine translation, and other tasks.

However, the number of parameters is not the sole indicator of an AI large model’s performance. The quality of training data, model architecture, and other factors are also crucial.

To illustrate, suppose an LLM model contains 100 million parameters; during training, the model needs to adjust these 100 million variable values to achieve optimal performance. This requires a vast amount of training data and computational resources.

Tokens: The Basic Units of Understanding and Processing for the Model

In the realm of AI, a token refers to the basic data unit that the model processes. It can be a word, character, phrase, or even segments of images or sounds. For example, a sentence is divided into multiple tokens, with each punctuation mark also considered an individual token.

The method of tokenization affects the model’s understanding and processing of data. For instance, the tokenization approach differs between Chinese and English. In Chinese, due to the presence of homophones and phrases, tokenization needs to be more meticulous.

To better grasp the concept of tokens, let’s examine a simple example. If we were to tokenize the sentence “The weather is good today,” the token sequence might look like the following, depending on the large model’s tokenization rules, architecture, and dataset:

Tokenization based on characters:

["The", "weather", "is", "good", "today"]

Tokenization based on characters:

["T", "h", "e", " ", "w", "e", "a", "t", "h", "e", "r", " ", "i", "s", " ", "g", "o", "o", "d", " ", "t", "o", "d", "a", "y"]

Tokenization based on BERT:

In BERT’s tokenization result, [CLS] and [SEP] are special tokens that represent the beginning and end of a sentence, respectively.

["[CLS]", "The", "weather", "is", "good", "today", "[SEP]"]

Try tokenization in OpenAI’s official tokenizer tool: https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer.

Context Window: The Range of Information Capture

Context Window of ChatGPT-4

The context window refers to the number of tokens that an AI model considers when generating a response. It determines the range of information the model can capture. A larger context window allows the model to consider more information, resulting in more relevant and coherent responses.

For example, GPT-4 Turbo has a context window of 128k tokens, equivalent to over 300 pages of text. This enables GPT-4 to generate responses with greater contextual relevance and nuanced differences.

If the above example isn’t intuitive enough, here’s another one.

Suppose an LLM model has a context window of 5; when processing the token “weather” in the sentence “The weather is good today,” the model will also consider the information from the tokens “The” and “is good today” to better understand the meaning of “weather.”

Context Length: The Upper Limit of the Model’s Processing Capability

Context length is the maximum number of tokens an AI model can process at once. It determines the upper limit of the model’s processing capability. The larger the context length, the greater the volume of data the model can handle.

For example, ChatGPT 3.5 has a context length of 4096 tokens. This means that ChatGPT 3.5 cannot accept inputs exceeding 4096 tokens, nor can it generate more than 4096 tokens of output at a time.

Temperature: Balancing Creativity and Certainty

Temperature is a parameter that controls the randomness of an AI model’s generated outputs. It determines whether the model tends to produce creative or conservative and certain outputs.

A higher temperature value inclines the model to generate random, unexpected outputs, but this may also lead to grammatical errors or meaningless text. A lower temperature value makes the model more likely to produce outputs that are logical and common-sensical, but they may lack creativity and interest.

For instance, at a lower temperature setting, a language model might generate the sentence: “The weather is clear, suitable for outdoor activities.” At a higher temperature setting, the model might produce: “The sky is a vast canvas of blue, adorned with fluffy white clouds. Birds sing atop the trees, a gentle breeze kisses the cheeks, and all is well in the world.”


Parameters, tokens, context windows, context length, and temperature are crucial concepts within AI large models, determining their complexity, performance, and capabilities. By understanding these concepts, we can better comprehend the workings of AI large models and assess their potential.

As AI technology advances, the parameter count, context window, and context length of AI large models continue to grow, and temperature control becomes more refined. This enables AI large models to exhibit stronger capabilities in more fields, bringing greater value to us.

