Web 3.0 Biweekly V (3 Feb 2020– 16 Feb 2020)

2 min readFeb 22, 2020
  1. Web 3.0 Bootcamp. Web3 Foundation teamed up with Parity, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase to launch Web 3.0 Bootcamp, a joint venture to accelerate Substrate blockchain projects in China and put them on the fast track to global adoption & viability.
    Web3.0 Bootcamp takes place over six months in two phases: a three-month acceleration phase followed by a three-month PoC phase. During the acceleration phase, Parity Asia will enhance teams’ expertise in Substrate architecture, parachain/parathread knowledge and architecture, product design, fundraising techniques, China and global legal compliance, and ecosystem development, as well as provide local talent bank access via monthly mentorship events.
    The PoC phase will be tightly focused on developing and pitching a PoC to Wanxiang Blockchain Lab’s network of corporate partners and entities primed for blockchain adoption.
    Teams to apply: Teams interested in using Substrate to build impactful solutions, e.g., independent chains, parachains, parathreads and bridged chains. Global teams who want to access the Chinese market and top-level corporations.
  2. New Parity Ethereum release: v2.7.2-stable. Parity Ethereum v2.7.2-stable is a patch version release of parity-ethereum.
    Starting in the 2.7.x series of releases, parity-ethereum is switching to a single stable release track. As a result, any clients that currently receive updates from the beta track should switch to the stable track.
  3. Individuals and entities can start to claim Dots. Polkadot Partnered with Coinbase to provide Dot claim via Coinbase Custody, too. The claim website is https://claims.polkadot.network/.
  4. Web 3.0 needs a permissionless common standard for managing credentials in a way that respects user privacy and data sovereignty. Kilt protocol is making this necessity a reality building on Substrate.
  5. Polkadot’s cross-chain message passing (XCMP) scheme allows parachains (aka shards) to send messages between each other with security guarantees in a trust-free way.
  6. Web 3.0 is a worldwide digital factory: The evolution of the web is based on the user role. The scheme is simple: in Web 1.0, users could only view content, in Web 2.0, which includes social networks, users create content.
  7. Over 10 teams joined the first OpenEthereum workshop, including Gnosis, Ethereum Foundation, ETCLabs, DappNode, POA network, Lab10 Collective, ETC Cooperative, OST, Lukso, Brave, Neufund, and several other independent developers and researchers.
  8. A key-management startup Torus offering one-click logins for Web 3.0 decentralized apps (dapps).

The path to Web 3.0 twists and turns, may our persistence pay off. — Yaoqi

Follow me on Twitter @jiayaoqi, to keep you posted on the latest information around Web 3.0.

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Founder of AltLayer; Forbes 30 Under 30; Build Elastic Scaling for Web3.