What is Office Hoteling and How Can it Benefit the Workplace?

2 min readJun 12, 2018


Office “hoteling” (otherwise known as “hot desking”) — the method of reserving office space and resources versus assigning employees a regular workspace or office — has become more and more popular over the past two decades. The concept originated in the Chicago offices of Ernst & Young, made possible by advances in communications and technology. Employees spending most of their working hours on the road or “telecommuting” from home, would call the “office concierge” to book a workstation, office or meeting room as required.

This approach to office space has become popular across several industries — companies such as IBM, Google, and Procter & Gamble have already implemented this method for several years, taking advantage of benefits, including:

Financial Savings

One of the primary benefits noted by Ernst & Young as to why they use office hoteling is the enormous savings as far as real estate costs are concerned, citing an annual savings of more than $47 million. Because employees are not tied to a single office or required to spend 8 hours each day in the office, companies can allow for headcount growth without the need to invest in more office space concurrently.

More Resources for All

Office resources are freed up using this method. Sun Microsystems studied the attendance of their employees at their office in Santa Clara, California, discovering that a majority of the time, at least half the staff were absent. This means that about half the office resources could be made available to the rest of the staff and visiting employees once office hoteling was implemented.

Improved Employee Empowerment

Beyond the financial and spatial benefits, employees benefit from a flexible work environment and lower travel expenses, thereby increasing their productivity and morale. Providing space without the rigorous daily requirement of attendance in the same office or cubicle promotes employee empowerment. At the same time, integrating hoteling space into areas where employees have assigned workstations promotes employee interaction. Gartner research has shown that by creating greater agility in the workplace, greater resiliency is created as well.

Increased Productivity

The allowance for increased collaboration is another benefit that comes with the flexibility of office hoteling. With conference rooms and workstations available for reservation based on need, not on position or rank in the office, employees with the desire or need to collaborate can do so with ease. This also allows for independent work, for those employees who need quiet and seclusion in order to focus on their work.

While hoteling has the potential to bring significant benefits, if implemented poorly it can result in financial loss, productivity decline, and employee frustration.

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Originally published on inpixon.com.




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