How minimalism changed my life.

Jieshen Li
2 min readSep 16, 2023


Minimalism changed my life. This is why I recommend you to be the same.

My friend was working on building a youtube channel and he always looked into self-improvement. I discovered the concept of minimalism when he wanted my Netflix account to watch a movie called “Less is More”. A movie That I never heard of. I was curious to know what this was all about.

So I watched it. In summary, it was all about eliminating what is necessary in life.

The PARETO PRINCIPLE says that for 80% of the outcome, we only need 20% of our input. Sounds easy.

But with time I realise that finding the exact 20% is the hardest. I followed MATT D’AVELLA in my socials and observed his lifestyle.

In a video of MIKE AND MATTY’s, I got the advice “Always subtract not add”. I learnt that the more options we have to choose from, the more overwhelmed we get.

This leads to decision fatigue.

I went from having 20 odd-coloured clothes to only wearing black when heading out. Trust me this is a time saver. I went from having pens of every colour you name to having only black, blue and red pens in my pencil case, to using 2 laptops for different tasks to using one good laptop for everything, to having several notebooks to having one, to having 4 earphones in 4 corners of my room to using only one even if I’m going out.

This is how minimalism changed my life. This is why I recommend you to be the same.

