Staff Augmentation vs Consulting: Understanding the Differences

Jigar Agrawal
5 min readMar 11, 2024


Staff Augmentation vs Consulting

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies often find themselves at a crossroads when choosing the best strategy to scale their workforce and expertise. Two prominent approaches are staff augmentation and consulting. Understanding the differences between staff augmentation vs consulting is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives.

What is Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation is a flexible outsourcing strategy where external professionals are hired to supplement an organization’s existing staff. This approach is often used to meet project-specific needs or to fill skill gaps within the current workforce.

Key Features of Staff Augmentation:

  • Temporary and flexible hiring of external talent.
  • Direct control over the augmented staff by the hiring company.
  • Rapid scaling of workforce to meet project demands.

What is Consulting?

Consulting, on the other hand, involves hiring external experts to provide high-level expertise, strategic insights, and solutions. Consultants typically have specialized knowledge in specific areas and offer guidance to achieve business objectives.

Key Features of Consulting:

  • Expert advice and strategic planning.
  • Focus on problem-solving and innovation.
  • Short-term involvement with high impact.

Staff Augmentation vs Consulting: The Key Differences

Scope of Service:

Staff augmentation adds capacity to your existing team, while consulting brings expertise for strategic decision-making.

Staff Augmentation: This approach is primarily about enhancing the existing team’s capacity. It involves bringing in additional personnel to support ongoing operations or projects. Staff augmentation fits well when the basic structure and expertise are in place but more hands are needed to handle increased workload or fill specific skill gaps.

Consulting: Contrarily, consulting focuses on delivering specialized knowledge and strategic insights. Consultants are typically brought in to address complex challenges, offer fresh perspectives, or guide strategic decision-making processes. This service is more about leveraging external expertise to create or improve high-level strategies.

Control and Management:

In staff augmentation, the augmented staff integrate into your existing teams and follow your management. In consulting, consultants work independently or in tandem with senior management.

Staff Augmentation: In this model, the augmented staff becomes a part of your existing team structure. They are managed and directed by your organization’s leaders and work alongside your permanent employees. This integration allows for a seamless blend of external and internal workforce, adhering to your company’s policies and procedures.

Consulting: Consultants usually operate with a higher degree of independence. They might collaborate closely with senior management but maintain autonomy over their methodologies and processes. The relationship is less about day-to-day management and more about high-level guidance and strategic advice.

Duration and Flexibility:

Staff augmentation is more flexible and can be adjusted according to project needs. Consulting is usually for a fixed duration with a specific outcome in mind.

Staff Augmentation: Offers high flexibility in terms of engagement duration. You can scale your team up or down based on the evolving needs of your projects. This model is adaptable to short-term needs as well as longer-term projects, providing a scalable workforce solution.

Consulting: Typically characterized by a fixed-duration engagement, consulting is oriented towards achieving specific outcomes or milestones. Consultants are engaged for the duration necessary to complete a particular project or solve a specific problem, after which the engagement concludes.

Cost Implications:

Staff augmentation can be cost-effective for operational tasks, while consulting may involve higher costs for strategic expertise.

Staff Augmentation: This model can be more budget-friendly for operational tasks. Since it involves adding manpower to existing teams, it often translates to a lower cost per resource compared to hiring high-level consultants. The cost-effectiveness also stems from the ability to scale the workforce according to project demands, potentially reducing overheads.

Consulting: Engaging consultants, especially those with high-level expertise, can come at a higher cost. However, this reflects the value of specialized knowledge and strategic guidance they provide. Consulting fees are typically linked to the depth and complexity of the strategic insights offered and the potential business impact of their advice.

Nature of Workforce and Expertise Required:

Staff Augmentation: Primarily used to address workforce quantity. It’s about adding manpower to existing teams, often in areas where the business already operates.

Consulting: Targets workforce quality. It’s about injecting specialized knowledge and expertise that the business might lack, often in new or highly specialized areas.

Integration with Existing Teams:

Staff Augmentation: Requires integration into existing organizational structures and processes. Augmented staff typically follow the same policies and workflows as permanent employees.

Consulting: Consultants often operate independently or in parallel with existing teams. They might interact with multiple departments but usually maintain a degree of autonomy in their workflows.

Impact on Company Culture:

Staff Augmentation: Can have a more immediate impact on company culture as augmented staff work closely with existing teams and can influence day-to-day dynamics.

Consulting: The impact is more strategic and less about daily interactions. Consultants influence culture indirectly through changes in strategies and processes.

Cost Structure and Investment:

Staff Augmentation: Often seen as a variable cost, scaling with the number of staff and duration of their engagement.

Consulting: Typically incurs a fixed cost, based on the project scope or specific consultancy rates, regardless of the duration.

Outcome and Deliverables:

Staff Augmentation: Focused on supporting ongoing projects and operational needs, deliverables are often tied to specific tasks or project milestones.

Consulting: Aimed at delivering strategic insights, problem-solving, or transformational outcomes. The deliverables are usually high-level strategic plans or analyses.

Flexibility and Adaptability:

Staff Augmentation: Offers high flexibility in managing workforce numbers, making it easier to adapt to changing project needs.

Consulting: Less flexible in terms of workforce adjustments, but offers adaptability in strategic direction and problem-solving approaches.

Long-term vs Short-term Engagement:

Staff Augmentation: More suited for longer-term engagements where temporary staffing is needed.

Consulting: Often engaged for shorter, intensive periods focusing on specific challenges or strategies.

Choosing Between Staff Augmentation and Consulting

Selecting between staff augmentation and consulting depends on your business needs. If you require specific skills for a project or need to scale your team quickly, staff augmentation is ideal. Conversely, if you need strategic advice or specialized expertise to navigate complex challenges, consulting is the better choice.


In the debate of staff augmentation vs consulting, the right choice depends on your business needs, project requirements, and long-term goals. Both strategies offer unique advantages and can even be used in tandem for a comprehensive approach to business growth and development.

Also Read:

Staff Augmentation Vs Managed Services

Staff Augmentation Vs Outsourcing

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Jigar Agrawal

Jigar Agrawal is Digital Marketing Manager at eSparkBiz Technologies. He is passionate about anything related to Digital Marketing and Trending Technologies.