A Discussion on the Digital Periodic Table of Elements

Jigo Reloj
5 min readNov 7, 2016


The past months leading to the 10th IMMAP Digital Conference, The Power of X, was immensely busy yet definitely exciting. In preparation, tons of legwork have been done. With that, I could say it was huge success! Hence, allow me to discuss digitalperiodictable.com which we presented and also launched on the same event.

Why the Digital Periodic Table?

Quite frankly, there were several periodic tables to which the whole idea took-flight from. The more popular ones were specific and solely for differing disciplines. To name few, those were to cater to Content Marketing, SEO Disciplines and Digital Trends. However, the one being referred to in this entry could tackle a broader approach. Therefore, another attempt on The Digital Periodic Table of Elements.

Now, the purpose of its existence seeks to familiarize and internalize the digital marketing eco-system and process within the digital industry. Accompanied by the Digital Strategy Canvas, it should serve as a guide in the creation of digital content and platforms, that engage the growing audience of consumers who interact with the world in the digital sphere. And, as the world undergoes a digital revolution, it attempts to make-sense of the growing need for the innovation and creation of digital content and platforms the real world by operationalizing the marketing and development process behind it.

So, what is it?

Aside from what was mentioned above, it should capture the current (as there are plans to continuously develop it) state of digital; the Collaborative Economy, Web 3.0. To date, it has two components, the Digital Periodic Table; under which, is divided into several categories reminiscent of the Periodic Table of Elements and A Digital Strategy Canvas to complement.

Table 1: Digital Periodic Table of Elements
Table 2: Digital Strategy Canvas

What are the Elements?

The Digital Periodic Table has 120 elements segregated into 13 categories. Unlike the real Periodic Table, it doesn’t merit an atomic number as there isn’t any heavier element as compared to another nor is there any arrangement for it. So far, there are only categories and those are as follows:

Strategic Storytelling: Nowadays, consumers don’t care about the products brands are selling, they care more about “I,” which translates to experiences that are fully meaningful to them. Hence, simply providing an angle isn’t enough. Therefore, prior to each and every execution created, it is suggested tell your own stories, which are strategically laden across different channels. It starts with the story, distributed through strategy to which it ends in each and everybody’s hearts.

Content Format: The way content in which content is arranged or set-out.

Content Archetypes: Current examples of content being consumed online.

Content Consumption: The current trends to which content is consumed online.

Content Interaction: Common community features that allow users to react and interact with content.

Platform Eco-system: Online platforms where content is distributed, circulated and consumed. Note on Dark Social, it is a term coined by Alexis C. Madrigal, a senior editor at The Atlantic, to refer to the social sharing of content that occurs outside of what can be measured by web analytics programs.

Analytics and Technological Mounts: Measuring tools and suggested technologies to optimize the logistic of running an online platform.

Big Data, Ad Networks and Other Services: Data insights and its usage to better online performance.

Online Revenue Models: Several ways to make money online.

Offline Marketing: Offline distribution channels.

Engagement: It is the force that holds an audience around a particular brand, or in this case platform, under which, are the measure on to properly track it.

Eye Balls: Measure the number of surface-level interactions that a certain visitor has to an online platform.

Users: Refers to measurements that pertain several types of users visiting an online platform.

Technographics and Online Ranking: Measurement pertaining to online behavior and how a certain platform is ranked against all other platforms globally.

How To Use The Digital Periodic Table?

When the table was created, the “strategic” process, so-to-speak was highly taken into consideration. Which meant, providing objectives; auditing personas identifying the value-proposition; and determining the role of digital were all highly considered however, to make the process simpler it was distilled in the Digital Strategy Canvas as qualitative efforts to set a certain directive for the usage of the Digital Periodic Table. (Do note, that the “strategic” process, as coined, would be throughly tackled on a separate post)

As seen in Table 2, the “strategic” process being referred to are the following:

Objective: A thing aimed at or sought; or goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, timely and stretched.

Customer Segment: The set of customer characteristics that you assume, observe and verify in the market.

Need-Gap: The set of value proposition benefits that you design to attract customers.

Value Proposition: The set of value proposition benefits that you design to attract customers

Role of Digital: The tangible role that our online platforms perform within the marketing mix

While the other components of the Canvas, can be utilized on a plug and play approach to which the following are:

Content Format: Use the Elements under Content Format

Content Archetype: Use the Elements under Content Archetypes

Customer Relationship: Based on Content Interaction and Content Consumption

Optimization: Based on Big Data Ad Networks and Other Services

Distribution: Based on Platform Eco-System and Offline Marketing

Key Resources: Based on Analytics and Tech Mounts

Partnerships: Possible partners for success

Revenue Models: Based on Online Revenue Models

Moving Forward

As stated above, the “strategic” process, would be throughly tackled on a separate post. Note, that the Periodic Table is a growing list, and a snapshot of the current digital economy; while one the other hand, the canvas should aid in understanding and operationalizing it. Should there be any questions or areas of collaboration, speak-your-mind and please comment below. Lastly, for a copy of this framework, please visit digitalperiodictable.com

