5 reasons why I want to become a Web Developer

3 min readDec 14, 2022


Why did I make a decision to change my career and enter the tech industry?

Learning how to code has been always in my bucket list. I’ve always wanted to code but I didn’t know how to or where to get taught.

Thanks to my supportive parents (who also majored in computer programming) and my boyfriend (who is a tech lead at Telus.com and introduced me Juno), I was able to join Juno College to learn coding!

Here are 5 reasons why I chose to change my career and enter the tech industry.

1st, I am a life-long learner. I’m all about self-development. I love learning new things and expanding my knowledge. It brings me a lot of joys and helps me grow as a person. I would love to gain more knowledge and skills after graduating bootcamp and getting my first junior developer job to pick up new languages or to continue ongoing learning such as back-end stuff, UX design, machine learning, AI etc.

2nd, I love flexibility and diversity of the tech industry. I may have more freedom like getting remote jobs or taking on freelance work or side projects. Also, I may expand into other areas such as machine learning, AI and so on which sounds super cool and fun! I would love to explore diverse areas rather than to be tied into on particular area as my web dev career progresses.

3rd, I am an eco-friendly person. Now, you may be wondering what being an eco-friendly person does with web development.  I believe there is connection between web development and contributing to the environment. Number 1, going digital and paperless will help the environment. Number 2, I can work for companies where they develop and sell eco-friendly products to help building their websites. Number 3, I can integrate my development skills into creating apps that people can track their daily carbon footprint. I believe there would be many more ways of saving the environment as a web developer.

4th, I will be in high demand. As our world progress towards an ever more tech-filled future, development skills would be in demand more and more. It’s really exciting to be highly demanded in your career especially when I have experience of temporary getting laid off due to Covid 19 as I was working as an Early Childhood Educator. My boyfriend told me he always gets emails from recruiters or hiring managers for job opportunities and his LinkedIn is full of messages from people who want to hire him. I want THAT for my career and my LinkedIn!

5th, there will be desirable difficulties in the process of learning and the career of web development, which will transform my learning and improve my long-term performance. You don’t grow when you’re comfortable and when things are easy. There will be lots of problem-solving and flexing my creative muscles in the journey. There will always be some new challenges for me to tackle but I can make and style things from scratch that can live on the internet forever, which is pretty amazing!




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