In Times of Crisis: Maybe Math Can Be Your Comforting Coping Mechanism

Jill Cox-Cordova
3 min readJun 5, 2020
Photo by John Moeses Bauan

With all the horrific stories of racism and Covid-19 swirling like a tornado, leaving carnage and barely-shifting hearts in its wake, I have been looking for coping mechanism, moments to exhale.

I usually count on yoga, meditation, and prayer to calm me, but these times, these current events, are unshakable, unforgettable.

Before the most recent tragedies, I interviewed Hugh Moffatt, a multi-talented writer and musician, about what he is doing differently this year, a time of change and growth.

Do Something Different: An Interview

You will see in the interview below that he learns math as a form of therapy. He also offered his take on racism, which he described as this country’s “biggest existential threat.”

What now?

Racism will not go away overnight, of course, and it will certainly take effort to end it. Still, the suggestions that Moffatt made are all things that people can do right now, immediately.



Jill Cox-Cordova

I utilize my writing to inform, inspire, and ignite others into action.