Life in Iraqi Kurdistan as a Western WomanPre-referendum insights in the Kurdish Region of Iraq and my take on Anthony Bourdain’s episode of No Reservations, KurdistanSep 17, 2017Sep 17, 2017
Lessons, Lesions: traveling both makes and breaks a person.Walking in the door last night to where I started several months ago brought a massive wave of relief, accomplishment and joy over my…Feb 24, 20162Feb 24, 20162
yuán fǎ: the lot or luck by which people are brought together.I love sleeper trains. In what other setting would a Chinese cop, a mattress salesman, an engineer/backpacker from New Zealand and myself…Nov 2, 2015Nov 2, 2015
Expatriate masochismI’ve never loved and hated something so fervently as I do China. It’s a place that can bring you unrivaled joy and suck your soul dry…Oct 18, 20151Oct 18, 20151