The inside of your car

Jillian J. Stenzel
2 min readDec 21, 2015


a reflection of character

“If I went on a date with a girl and her car was as messy as yours, I’d be OUT of there.”

“Well, lucky for you and I, we aren’t dating.”

“I’m just saying, it’s a reflection of character.”

“That is absurd, it isn’t. A reflection of character is you getting mad at me for not closing your car door with the palm of my hand to avoid finger prints.”

“What if a man just wants to take care of his car?”

“Your car tells me that you’re anal and attached to meaningless, external subtleties; my car says that I’m too busy enjoying life to give a fuck. Either way — we’re never dating.”

Above reads a near verbatim conversation between my father and I. Though the last line may have been slightly less eloquent and with one less F-word.

If a girl marries her father (as they say), she would also most certainly divorce him. At least in my case.

Perhaps Dad was onto something, however. Perhaps your vehicle says a lot more about you than you’d like to admit. Right now, mine says that I go through way too many plastic water bottles, that I had a parrot when I was 7 (as revealed by old photos scattered about the trunk) and moreover, that I really do live out of my car — shoes, bathing suits, a suitcase and half-empty bottle of Maker’s Mark whiskey hinting at my lifestyle.

In the end, a vehicle is nothing more than a tool to help you reach where you want to be. Why not be ready for everything when you get there?

That’s my excuse for now, at least.



Jillian J. Stenzel

Collector of Experiences most recently in Kurdish Iraq. Now in U.S.A.