I Don’t Care How You Feel

You Never Cared How I Felt Either

Jillian Somera
2 min readMar 16, 2023
Say it loud and say it proud: Black Lives Matter

So why would I give a shit?

Why would I reconcile our relationship?

When there was no foundation to build on in the first place?

You talk a big game
And you never listen
So you dribble past me
Make moves
Cross over

Into the half court
Do a full court press
Sports go sports!
The only athleticism here
Exists in physicality
In your endurance

But your character
Is what carries you through the game

So if you have none,

You will always lose in the end.

I’m biding my time.

True sportsmanship lies in knowing the game intimately —

When you pick your battles,

So that you can win the war.

This is war.

And by God,

I am going to win.

I am a warrior.



Jillian Somera
