Why You Need To Hire A Medical Malpractice Attorney For A Cancer Misdiagnosis — It’s More Than Just About The Money

Jim Garner
4 min readMay 11, 2024


I am just hearing too many people being diagnosed with cancer. Just way too many.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

My landlord a few months ago. A friend who is bravely fighting stomach cancer. My best friend’s cousin who passed away and now her sister has cancer.

I do not have a large circle of friends or family at all which makes it all that more astounding.

So much so that I have become my own investigator into how cancer works, and what kills it. (A story for another day.)

Unless someone has access to all the latest treatments and natural healing protocols that can complement traditional treatments, it might be too late when they hear that they have the C-word.

Especially, if it’s an aggressive cancer that spreads quite quickly.

So what is the battle plan, my friends, when you realize your medical team did not detect it early enough or perhaps gave a misdiagnosis?

Some people will still recover but some will experience very horrible consequences and this CANNOT be ignored.

Let’s have a look at two “battle plans” that I think are most important to focus on now. The natural and the legal battle plan.

And yes, there should be legal recourse for financial compensation of a misdiagnosis or late diagnosis because undoubtedly the financial implications could be quite severe for some time to come.

The Natural Battle Plan

The first battle plan in my opinion is to do all you can to address your health situation from a natural perspective.

Learn all you can about your prognosis and find out about (potentially affordable) treatments that have a positive and long-lasting outcome/results.

There are times when you can reverse something partially or fully and there are times when you cannot.

In the times that you cannot, you can still make it much easier on your body by adopting good, healthy lifestyle changes that can serve to increase your health quite significantly.

Take daily walks, eat more healthily, and see what supplements you can add to improve your overall well-being as well.

And then there’s the emotional and psychological changes. Make right with those you have hurt, get counseling for deep-seated hurts and burdens, start going back to church (I’m at that point now), and learn to live your life again.

A diagnosis (even a late one) does not have to mean things end. It can also mean new things begin as well!

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

The Legal Battle Plan

There’s the personal battle plan as we have just discussed — which has so much more to it than what I could possibly cover in one article — and then there’s the legal battle plan.

Because from then until now your story could have been so different if they had found the cancer earlier on.

The pain and suffering and financial loss because of having to get treatment much later on can be devastating.

But it does not have to be if you find a worthy medical malpractice attorney who can help you recover the loss of funds, both now and in the future.

What you’re looking for is an experienced attorney who exudes compassion and understanding, listens to your story, and CLEARLY cares about you.

Because an attorney who really does care about you, will fight for you and even go the extra mile when that is called for.

Another aspect of their service to keep an eye on is a successful track record — a highly successful track record where they know the ins and outs of cases like these and can stand toe to toe with the best of them.

You really do need a true fighter on your side!

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Final Thoughts

You might be scared as you’re reading this and I can understand why.

The financial implications might not even be that important to you as it’s your life we are talking about.

And that’s exactly the point. Your LIFE.

So let the chips fall where they may, legally speaking — focus on rebuilding your life and getting your health back as much as possible. It might not be easy, but it is perhaps doable.

Your medical malpractice attorney will take care of the legal side of things for you.

In the meantime though …

Focus on living. Focus on loving those around you. And focus on LIFE!

