Day 21 of My 31-Day Writing Challenge: “My Favorite Quotes from Anne Frank’s Diary”

Anna Marie Lou
3 min readJan 21, 2024


Have you ever thought of reading somebody else’s journal and get to know more about them through their written thoughts? It’s like another way of reading their minds. I think sometimes, we don’t truly know somebody until we get into their heads. I would say that this is the most read diary of all time from a Jewish teenage girl, putting all her feelings into words and recalling her every day life in hiding from the Nazis.

Reading through all of her thoughts, it’s like the only thing that could bring comfort to her her situation was to confide to her diary. At her young age, she was full of hope and dreams. I never thought that she could think deeper through all of her emotions and write down her honest opinions about what she truly feels toward other people who were also in hiding with them inside the Annex.

On page 251, she mentioned all of her hobbies and interests. I was stunned to learn that almost all of her favorites were almost the same as mine. She loved writing and dreamed of becoming a famous writer. I like writing, but I consider it as a part of my hobby. I’m also quite fond of genealogical charts, it’s amazing how we can trace back thousands of generations, knowing what makes us who we are. We both love Greek and Roman mythology, history, and photography, except for film stars. I don’t think I have favorite actors or actresses, I’m not a fangirl of any actors who give life to the movie, for me, they are only a part of the storyline. I am more interested to the story itself, rather than admiring or critiquing an actor’s performance.

Before I go further somewhere else, here are a few of my favorite quotes from her diary.

“ I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support”

“Paper is more patient than people” — p.153

…. “during the day when I’m obliged to put up with people I can’t abide or who invariably misinterpret my intentions. That’s why I always come back to my diary”- p. 142

“Believe me, if you’ve been shut up for a year and a half, it can get to be too much for you sometimes. But feelings can’t be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem”. — p.153

“ A person who has courage and faith will never die in misery” — p.211

“I’m honest and tell people right to their faces what I think , even when it’s not flattering , I want to be honest, I think it gets you further and also makes you feel best about yourself” — p.238

“ I can’t confide in anyone unless they tell me a lot about themselves”. — p.329

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Reading her quotes made me realize that sometimes, whenever you feel misunderstood by other people, just write down all of your feelings in your journal. I believe that writing down your thoughts and feelings is also the best therapy to take out all of those negative feelings and to understand more of ourselves.



Anna Marie Lou

A Cebuana wife and mother. Expressing my random thoughts through words about everyday life.