Jim Toner: The Secret to Creating Wealth

Jim Toner
4 min readJul 23, 2018


They Live. Please tell me you have seen this movie? It is a sci-fi classic. This John Carpenter beauty was done in 1988 but it is frighteningly timely. For those who didn’t see it, here is a quick overview.

The films star, the late great “Rowdy” Roddy Piper plays a character named Nada who is basically a wanderer that really has no meaning in his life. One day he happens to stumble upon a way cool pair of sunglasses that allows him to see the world the way it truly is.

As Nada wanders the streets of LA wearing the sunglasses he begins to realize the both the Government and the media are made up of subliminal messages that are designed to keep the population subdued and that most of the social elite are skull faced aliens that seek world domination. Once Nada realizes this, well he does what Roddy does…kick some ass!

Does any of that film description sound familiar? How about “messages designed to keep the population subdued”? You see, I don’t need a pair of cool sunglasses to see the majority of the population walking around with their heads down buried in a phone. I don’t need the sunglasses to walk into a coffee shop and see people blankly staring at a computer screen as opposed to actually TALKING!

I don’t need the sunglasses to know that 90% of the media is bought and paid for and the majority of stories going into your head are PLANTED by someone with an agenda designed to get you to do what THEY want. Yup, I’m wise to it and this is not some whacked out conspiracy…open your eyes.

So what does this have to do with the Creating Wealth 101 message? Everything! In the Napoleon Hill classic, Think and Grow Rich, Hill outlines the 17 Principals for success.

The MOST important and MOST overlooked one is ACCURATE THINKING. In They Live, the bombardment of subliminal messages were designed to keep people from ACCURATE THINKING…guess what, that may have been a movie, but it is VERY real.

I will venture to say that 90%, yeah, 90% of the population is walking around brainwashed and will never come close to their potential…ever.

However, IF, you are willing to subject yourself to ACCURATE THINKING, some serious magic can happen. Here is a basic example. Most of us are taught that to be successful in life, you need to go to school, get a good job, work your way up the ladder and on and on. We are put into a box with the instructions that theses are the qualifications you must have in order to get to said destination. The result is that MANY never even TRY to reach for success because they have been brainwashed that they don’t have the qualifications.

The TRUTH is, and I know because I have the magic sunglasses, is that in many cases, qualifications don’t mean shit. If you looked at me on paper you would see that I am qualified to flip burgers but due to my ACCURATE THINKING, I own and have owned multiple businesses that have generated millions of dollars. I have made millions of dollars. I have written 2 books and have been an advisor to multi-millionaires.

I BARELY graduated high school which the powers that be would lead you to believe put me in their, “never succeed” box.

So here is the great news…YOU have the sunglasses also. My guess is that maybe you have not put them on yet? I don’t want to sound all-metaphysical here but the limitations really are in your head.

And yes, I understand that there are some things that we are not qualified for. It is not possible that I could ever play for the Pittsburgh Steelers and nor will I be doing any brain surgery any time soon but there is NOTHING that stops me, or YOU for that matter, from making LOTS of money. I know money isn’t everything but it helps… a lot. If nothing else having money allows you to stop worrying about not having money.

Money Making Tips From Jim Toner

  • Take an ACCURATE assessment of EXACTLY where you are in your life right now. Finance, health, relationships, etc. Don’t bullshit yourself
  • Ask yourself what you REALLY want out of your life and don’t hold back. Again, money, better health, etc. TRUST ME, it is NOT hard to get theses things
  • Understand that you are far better than you think. Most walk around thinking that everyone is awesome and they are losers. Here is the truth. People are more screwed up that you realize. Spend time on Facebook and it can be easy to get discouraged by reading how great everyone is. Hello??? They are LYING!
  • Stay OFF Facebook or Fake Book as I call it, or just use it for amusement.
  • If you have had a wipe-out, congratulations and welcome to the club. Dust yourself off and get back in the game. You are very well armed now so get going. It can be a big advantage
  • Stop worrying about everyone’s life and worry about YOUR life. LIVE your life. The clock is ticking.
  • The late great Jim Rohn said, “work harder on yourself than you do at your job” Do that, because when you work harder on yourself, you get better. When you get better, everything gets better.” In my Opinion, this the greatest piece of advice in the history of man.

As I said previously in a recent Ideamensch interview, my goal is to build a good foundation and add on from there. When you work hard on YOU, the building process gets much easier and much more fun.

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Jim Toner

Jim Toner is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist famous from the Creating Wealth 101 system & coaching hundreds of business owners.