Crazy Rich Asians (2018) Review

Hollywood history and all around goodness.

James Bingham


This will come as no surprise, but Lucy and I went to the cinema the other week. This time however, we went to see something which is rather different to the typically whitewashed Hollywood flicks we tend to see on the silver screen; Jon M. Chu’s Crazy Rich Asians.

Crazy Rich Asians Poster — IMDb

Crazy Rich Asians sees Chinese-American New Yorker, Rachel Chu (Constance Wu) travel to Singapore with her bf, Nick Young (Henry Golding) for his best mates wedding. Nick sees this as the perfect chance for Rachel to meet the parents, but she knows nothing of his family. Turns out he’s a Crazy Rich Asian and people turn against Rachel because she’s dating some hot property.

There is clearly much more to the story, but this is a review not a list of spoilers.

Both Wu and Golding are brilliant in this film and a breath of fresh air from the typical romcom acting talent. Two of the stand out talents to me however were Gemma Chan (who played Astrid Young Teo) and Awkwafina (who played Peik Lin Goh). Chan portrayed a head-strong, well-natured, powerful woman; which was quite the opposite to Awkwafina’s hilarious, all-over-the-place, misfit of a character. Both playing them brilliantly, I think.

Crazy Rich Asians was shot on a very minuscule budget (for a film), of $30 Million and whilst the plot is straight forward enough to be okay with this budget. I struggle to understand how the producers have budgeted the incredible locations within the film. The only monetary let down, is the CGI. During the wedding reception scene, there’s a shot around the gardens in Singapore which just looks a bit wet, amongst other wet shots too.

I should point out that this is me being overly critical.

To Conclude

Solid watch, would happily watch again. Probably from a less scathing angle.

7.5 out of 10.

Stay Hydrated,

James Bingham

