Game Journal Entry #9

Ana Jimenez
1 min readMar 29, 2023


For todays game journal I decided to write about the game, That Dragon, Cancer developed by Numinous Games. During the game, you follow along the story of a little boy and his journey/fight against cancer. The game was inspired by a true story, the story of the game developers son. You go through a lot of emotions while playing this beautifully tragic game. You get to see how happy the couple was with their son before he was diagnosed with cancer, and the tragedy later. You also get to see how the son may have perceived having cancer and his brilliant little imagination which makes for a beautiful game play.

This game fits perfectly with the information in this weeks article of Critical Play. This game reworks how original games are meant to be and intends to bring awareness how living with and taking care of one’s own child with cancer can be like. There are days of hope, days of sadness and there can still be happy days even though there is the back thought of cancer still about. This game was beautifully done.

