The 8 Circuit Studios Experiment

Blockchain Based Video Game Development

James Mayo
8 Circuit Studios
5 min readJun 23, 2017


Dreamcatcher by Android Jones

We believe that the most powerful force in the universe is the imagination. It can take us to other worlds — literally and figuratively. It has helped us understand the deepest mysteries of the universe. It is an alternate dimension that children effortlessly master with the omnipotence of Gods.

Everything that we have created as a species has had its origins inspired from that mysterious and ineffable place. Put two or more people together, collaborating in a creative endeavor, and the effect on development and creative expression is exponential.

Seven weeks ago 8 Circuit Studios was formed as just such a collaborative venture. Video game developers and blockchain enthusiasts discovered not just common ground but a common purpose to do something special: to construct a space where the imagination is engaged and collaboration is empowered. It is a space where the forces of commerce and technology embrace art.


Disintermediation: tech-jargon for cutting out the middle man. It’s what happens when software eats something. It appears to be implacable against legacy business models and incumbent institutions. In gamer and crypto-spaces, this outcome fits poetically with our ethos — likely stemming from a certain rebelliousness and mistrust of large centralized organizations with parasitic tendencies. At 8 Circuit Studios our intent is to add our contribution to the disintermediation tsunami.

In all areas of game development we’re seeing a massive shift as tools get less expensive while becoming more powerful and easier to use (Unity, Unreal, Maya, 3D Studio Max, Adobe Creative Cloud, etc.). This is the beginning of the digital Cambrian period where your potential is limited only by the commitment to your craft.

We aim to catalyze the efforts of these renaissance-caliber artists, designers, engineers, and other functional designations to create their most compelling and imaginative work and reap the rewards of their dedication to purpose.

How? By improving the way in which we as developers and gamers communicate with each other. To do that, we have devised…


Our experiment is simple. It asks two questions:

  • Can we produce captivating content using a new development system refined and informed by the crucible of many iterations of game development experience?
  • Can we leverage this experience to establish an ecosystem that generates symbiosis between: content creators, community participants & gamers, and the products and assets the creators produce?

…all while leveraging the unique and subversive power of blockchains to the benefit of the ecosystem’s inhabitants.

There are a number of business models we anticipate emerging from the exploration of these initiatives that the ecosystem participants will be able to take advantage of. We are very keen to let these models develop and mature as we strive to achieve an emphatic “yes” to both of the questions listed above.

To prove the first phase of the experiment, we needed a project…


D-PARC, our first launch title, is being built using our new development method, and will leverage blockchains as a core feature to establish and enforce our system of digital property rights. One of our mantras is: do what is best for the game and ultimately the people in our ecosystem. This means we are not married to any particular technology or blockchain — only whichever allows us to accomplish our mission:

  • Tell incredible stories through captivating gameplay
  • Facilitate unparalleled collaboration to tell those stories
  • Ensure the profits go to the inhabitants of that ecosystem

This philosophy will guide how we prioritize decisions on major features and we are grateful to our early supporters who get what we are doing.

We expect D-PARC to achieve Alpha in August, 2017 and if you like, please follow us on Twitter or Facebook for updates.

D-PARC : 8 Circuit Studios


Our second project builds upon the successes we are already producing in the development of D-PARC. It fulfills the larger vision of connecting the functional groups needed to build in an open and enterprising way. We believe there is an unexploited opportunity to leverage this system to revolutionize:

  • How players claim ownership of their own digital property
  • How creators collaborate and profit from the content they produce
  • How gamers and developers connect and create

Simply put: 8 Circuit Studios intends to level up game development and turn legacy publishing models inside out.

We will be discussing this exciting project in an upcoming article soon.


Ultimately, we believe people will always be at the heart of artistic expression. Games are very much a part of that human instinct. We know that games can bring people together in wonderful ways. Our aim is no less ambitious than to build a bridge between the imagination and reality - a bridge that lets us tell incredible stories that inspires and let’s us connect meaningfully along the way.

We are looking forward to finding and engaging with new allies who share our vision and our cause. Please join us on the journey ahead!

About 8 Circuit Studios

We are an experienced group of game developers, with over a century of combined experience in the video game industry. We have a passion for creating video games, telling compelling stories, and creating new models to benefit people.

About the Author

James Mayo has worked in the video game industry since the time of the second console wars (Sega v Nintendo). From megalithic publishers to indie developers, from big budgets to crowd funding, his core skill-set comes from extensive experience in managing a “generous” number of product development life-cycles. James loves building teams of highly motivated and competent professionals. His passion is empowering people to do their finest creative work as well as surrounding himself with the smartest folks alive.



James Mayo
8 Circuit Studios

Navigator (and sometimes President) at 8 Circuit Studios.