Jim Laing
1 min readNov 29, 2023


The Awareness Continuum-I'd read it based on the title alone. Have you read Donald Hoffman's The Case Against Reality? It's like the meeting of traditions instead of minds: western science and eastern spirituality.

I read your Substack story. I thought I'd try to post a comment, just to chance my arm, but the expected request to make a profile popped up. I don't want to be distracted from trying to establish the habit of posting here, especially as there feels like there's potential for Medium to work for me better than the blog has done, so far. Medium is as simple as you can get, write and post, no bloggery complications with having to manage a website too.

Oh yes the comment that never was, from Substack:

It was nice to, so to speak, have the image of India fleshed out by someone's first hand experiences rather than by a script for a change. It feels more real, as do the people in your story.

While my taste buds wouldn't be phased by trying the yogurt rice with ketchup, I like the sound of it better without. And all those temples too. I appreciate a church or a cathedral too once in a while here in Edinburgh, but nowhere near often enough.

And it was good to read Tintern Abbey again, I like a bit of the lakeland poets from time to time and I must read the Lyrical Ballads again soon.

Thanks for the link, reading about your Indian summer took my eyes off the window and my Scottish winter.



Jim Laing

Knowledge opinions fiction. Edinburgh based writer, poet & obsessive music fan. Curious to see if I can find, and keep an audience.