best exercise to lose weight from stomach

Jim Larson
4 min readMar 11, 2015


In the first part of this article include aerobics and how they benefit weight loss and aerobic exercises are simple easy to do from the comfort of your own home. Here, in the second part, we will cover anaerobic exercises; what are its benefits and how to use basic exercise techniques to achieve excellent weight loss.


The best way to define anaerobic is that they are a form of intense exercise used to strengthen the power or muscle mass instead of strength and endurance. In ‘muscle building’ short. The common misconception is that weight training exercise is a male dominated and used for body building. This really is the best exercise for weight loss that you can do, or should I say fat loss.

When we talk about weight loss generally observed scales and judge our size the number we see. It becomes more difficult when anaerobic exercise is used because it is not the weight you lose but inches.

Muscle is heavier than fat and you replace fat with muscle burns you might get to a point where they begin to gain weight instead of losing it. Lean muscle increases the body’s metabolism and muscle mass you have the higher your metabolism will increase resulting in weight loss, not only that, but unlike aerobic exercises that lean muscle continues to burn calories even when at rest in a constant burn calories.

Here are some options to do some anaerobic exercises “weight training” at home without have or acquire pesos.

Pumps or squats:

Pushups are what is known as a “calisthenics” exercise. These exercises are a group of construction / strength training using body weight as resistance. In a plate, for example, will be pushing up to 70% of their body weight on the floor with every movement. As with all exercises in this group of your body metabolism will be much higher due to increased muscle mass in triceps and pectoral muscles mainly.

The other group of gymnastic exercises are:


Building the abdominal muscle. Lie on the floor with knees bent and feet flat against the floor. Then lift your shoulders off the floor by tightening your abs and bring your chest to the knees. Then return to your starting position under control with stomach muscles still control its descent.

Abs: As with ABS, but with a much smaller movement. Instead of the upper body which has just answered Quarter simply lifting blades of the floor in a partial sit movement.

He crouched:

Especially good for the leg muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and glutes. Stand with your legs wide shoulders, arms outstretched in front of you, and then, as the name indicates squat as low as you can comfortably squat, then return to a standing position in a controlled manner and repeat.

Calves: For standing calf raises on a step or curb with your toes support the body weight and heels hanging unsupported. The use of the toes to raise their body, then lower in a controlled manner. This exercise works, strengthen and build calf muscles.

Pull ups:

This exercise is a little more difficult to make at home, requiring or bars. With pulls the bar should be high enough land where he can hang your legs are on the ground. Tractions working side muscles and biceps. Suspension bar with your shoulder width apart and arms keeping your back as straight as possible climb to the chin and then down and repeat. Always perform this exercise in a controlled manner in order to work the muscle continuously.

At Last;


Once again; difficult to do well at home as the use of parallel bars dictates that it really is a gym activity, but an adaptation of this exercise could be done by using a pair of kitchen chairs! Jump into position between the parallel bars. Cross your legs are now hanging beneath you. Now go until your elbows are in line with your shoulders and back to push you until they are fully extended, there is no need to lock your elbows. Dips mainly work the chest muscles, triceps, deltoids and.

Conclusion: The benefits for weight loss aerobic and anaerobic exercises are extremely important and it’s really easy to create simple routines at home jobs as part of the two types of exercises to lose weight quickly. These exercises have the greatest impact on weight loss when used with a good weight loss program.

Want to lose weight, but I hate dieting? Have you thought of fasting as an alternative? best exercise to lose weight from stomach. The Eat Stop Eat program breaks the myths surrounding fasting and provides strong scientific evidence to support their claims.

