Top 10 Places To Visit In Bhutan!

4 min readJul 19, 2023


  1. Buddha point

As locally its name as Buddha point but the actual name is Kuensel Phodrang. Reason behind calling Buddha point is that it’s largest statue in the Bhutan. The 51.5 meter bronze statue is 3 storied with several chapels, the body of Buddha is all filled with 125000 smaller statues of Buddha and it is located in Thimphu.

2.Paro Taktsang

Towards the north of Paro, there we can find scary Monastery in Bhutan and its clinging from a cliff above 3000 feet its stand TAKTSANG. Taktsang literally means “Tiger nest.” In the early eighth century Guru Padma Sambhava flew from Tibet on a back of a tigress to the place where the monastery stands currently. He meditated there for three months in a cave.

3.Paro Rinpung Dzong

From the airport towards Paro town there we can find a traditional wooden bridge, some away from town it takes almost two kilometres, called Nyamai Zam, leading towards a huge fortress (dzong) built with traditional stones and white washed. Well this dzong is known Rinpung Dzong. This dzong was constructed in 1646 AD. Constructed by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.

4.Chorten Kora

Towards east of bhutan at Tashiyangtse there we can find beautiful white stupa near town at Tashiyangtse. Where the white stupa is situated on the riverbank is built in the same style as the Bodnath Stupa in Nepal, with eyes painted at the four cardinal points. During the second month of the lunar calendar there is always an interesting celebration known as ‘Kora’ tsechu.

5.Gangtey Goenpa

The monastery located in Gangtey gewog,under Wanduephodrang dzongkhag was established in the 17th century. The monastery complex consists of the main monastery, monk’s quarter for monk, meditation centers and a small guest house for monk bodies.

6.Chimmi Lhakhang

Chhimi Lhakhang is located in Punakha . As it is believed that Lam Drukpa Kuenley killed a demoness, turned into a dog and buried it under the mound of a hill.

7.Phobjikha Valley

A few hours’ drive from Wangdue town is Phobjika valley. It is a famous place, since in a time of winter it is resting place of the rare black necked cranes. It is also one of the parmount wildlife preserves of Bhutan. Apart from the cranes,Phobjikha also has other wild life like the barking deer, wild boars, sambars, serows, Himalaya black bears, leopards ,red foxes and ect...


This passes is displayed by lot of prayer flags and 108 chortens, well its is know as The Dochula pass and its 3,050 meters above sea level. Where it is the first high pass in the western region which is 23 kilometers away from Thimphu on the way towars Punakha.

9.Punakha Dzong

Punakha dzong as it is located in junction of two river (phochu and mochu river) where it was built in 1637 in purpose of serving as the religious and administrative seat for the region.

10.Khamsum Yueling Monastery

This temple was built by the Queen Mother. Reason behind building this temple is to promote world peace and for the sound health and long life of the King.

It is elaborately built and contains some of the finest spiritual artworks painted on the inner walls and the temple consist paintings of Buddhist teachers and tutelary deities of the country. It was consecrated in 1999.

