James Bernard Moore
James Bernard Moore

A compassionate atheist bastard human animal who read somewhere that, "Great countries and great governments come from great people. If your fellow countrymen want someone to lead them by the nose then that's who they are, just a bunch of yes-people, who don​'​t care what happens to them as long as someone else is doing their thinking for them. To build a great country its people must unite, work together, and establish a government that reflects the will of the people. Without a government that works for everyone the country will be in chaos, and will fail." Read everything, write a lot and organize, but always think for yourself.

Medium member since September 2023
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James Bernard Moore

James Bernard Moore

An old, vaccinated British American bastard #humanimal, by birth, and a semi-retired techie, US immigrant, vegan, USN vet, liberal atheist, by choice