Email Is Not a Channel

Jimmy Daly
1 min readNov 2, 2015


I’ve never understood why anyone is surprised that email is still thriving. It’s direct, personal, habitual, universal, etc. — it’s easy for people to interact with.

What does surprise me is how often poorly executed campaigns still garner 20 percent open rates. Compare that with an above-average Facebook ad, which might have a click-through rate of 0.01%. That’s one-tenth of one percent — truly abysmal.

It might seem like apple to oranges, but most marketers apply the Facebook ad mindset to email. People turn into lists, massive volume becomes a requirement. Marketers default to broadcasts and customers default to apathy.

The moment email becomes a channel, you’ve lost the personal touch that makes it so special.

“20% isn’t good enough” drives much of what we do at Vero. We’re out to prove that huge volume and poor conversion rates aren’t required to grow your business. Our software is built around people, not lists. It’s a scalable CRM, not just a broadcast channel.

The difference is subtle until you dig into the details. Customer-centric software encourages businesses to learn about their users. The data paints a picture of the people behind the pixels. That foundation can support marketing that people actually care about.

Relationships can be built at scale, but not with lists.



Jimmy Daly

writer, runner, ceo of superpath. helping content marketers grow their careers.