The Experience Design Process; a granular take on the double diamond

Studio Jimmy Elias (SJE_)
6 min readMar 13, 2023

In today’s fast-paced digital world, user experience (UX) design has become an essential component of building successful products. UX design process is a strategic and iterative approach that focuses on understanding the needs and behaviours of users, designing intuitive interfaces, and creating delightful experiences. In this article, we will take a closer look at the UX design process and its phases, with the Double Diamond approach as a starting point.

Double Diamond - Design process model popularised by the British Design Council in 2005, and adapted from the divergence-convergence model proposed in 1996 by Hungarian-American linguist Béla H. Bánáthy.

Double Diamond

The Double Diamond is a problem-solving approach that helps to break down complex problems into manageable steps. It involves four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. The first two stages are about understanding and defining the problem, while the second two stages are about generating and implementing solutions. The Double Diamond is a flexible framework that can be applied to a wide range of challenges and is commonly used in design thinking. It is a powerful framework for creating innovative and effective solutions to complex problems.

The 6 Diamonds

Designing user-centred Experiences requires in a way or another breaking down the double diamond process into smaller, more granular steps. We then gain a more comprehensive understanding of how to apply this design thinking framework to real-world challenges. By following this process, designers and businesses can ensure that they are designing with empathy, rigour, and purpose.

Insights to better understand the problem

The Research phase of the UX Design Process involves gathering information about the target audience to understand their needs, preferences, and behaviours. This can be done through various methods such as user interviews, surveys, and focus groups, as well as analysing industry trends and competitor products. The goal of this phase is to gain insights into the user’s context, pain points, and motivations, which can then be used to inform the design of the product or service. The Research phase is a crucial step in ensuring that the final product or service meets the needs of users and provides a positive user experience.

A thorough view into the users, the problem and the goals

The Strategy phase of the UX Design Process involves defining the goals, objectives, and requirements for the product or service. This phase typically involves collaboration between stakeholders, designers, and developers to establish a shared understanding of the project’s scope, budget, and timeline. The Strategy phase may also include developing user personas, conducting a competitive analysis, and identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. The goal of the Strategy phase is to establish a clear direction for the project and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned on the goals and objectives for the product or service.

Identifying and managing requirements

The Scope phase of the UX Design Process involves defining the boundaries of the project and determining what will be included and excluded from the final product or service. This phase typically involves defining the features, functionality, and content that will be included, as well as any constraints or limitations that may impact the project. The goal of the Scope phase is to establish a clear understanding of what the project will entail, what resources will be required, and what outcomes can be expected. The Scope phase is important for ensuring that the project stays on track and that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of what will be delivered.

Building the structure and skeleton of a product

The Information Architecture phase of the UX Design Process involves organising and structuring the content and functionality of the product or service in a way that makes sense to users. This phase typically involves creating a site map, defining the navigation structure, and establishing the hierarchy of information. The goal of the Information Architecture phase is to create a clear and intuitive structure for the product or service that allows users to easily find and access the information and functionality they need. Information Architecture is a critical component of the UX Design Process as it sets the foundation for the design and development of the product or service.

Interaction Design
The functionality of the product and the experience

The Interaction Design phase of the UX Design Process involves designing the interface and interactions of the product or service. This phase typically involves creating wireframes, prototypes, and user flows to test and refine the design. The goal of the Interaction Design phase is to create a user-friendly interface and intuitive interactions that enable users to easily accomplish their goals. This phase is important for ensuring that the design meets the needs and expectations of the target audience and provides a positive user experience. The Interaction Design phase is typically iterative, with designers testing and refining the design based on user feedback until the optimal design is achieved.

User Interface Design
UI from UX perspective

The User Interface Design (UI) phase of the UX Design Process involves designing the visual elements of the product or service, including typography, color scheme, layout, and overall look and feel. From a UX point of view, the UI design should be informed by the insights gained during the research phase and should be aligned with the needs and preferences of the target audience. The goal of the UI Design phase is to create a visually appealing and consistent interface that enhances the user experience and promotes usability. This phase is important for creating a cohesive and polished final product that meets the expectations of the target audience. However, it’s essential to remember that the UI design is just one aspect of the overall user experience, and it should be considered in the context of the larger UX design process.

In conclusion, we know the importance of the UX design process and the role it plays in building successful digital products. However the crucial aspect is to respect the phases and make sure we follow the process without skipping phases. By this, we assure creating user-centered solutions that meet the needs of users while driving business growth. Whether you’re a seasoned UX designer or just getting started in the field, it’s essential to understand the principles, stages, and methods of UX design process to create delightful and effective products.

If you’re an individual, a team, or a company looking to enhance your UX design skills or stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, I encourage you to check out my UX Workshops and Seminars. Through those seminars, I share knowledge and experience in UX design, covering topics such as user research, information architecture, interaction design, and usability testing. The different seminars are designed to be interactive and hands-on, allowing participants to apply what they’ve learned in real-world scenarios.

For specific teams and companies, the seminars can also be customised to fit your specific needs and challenges. Whether you’re looking to train your team in a particular aspect of UX design or looking to incorporate UX design principles into your product development process, Studio Jimmy Elias (SJE_) can tailor the seminar to your goals and objectives.

So, whether you’re an individual looking to enhance your skills or a team/company looking to stay ahead of the game in UX design, don’t hesitate to check out my UX seminars and see how they can benefit you.

(You can also keep an eye on the instagram feed too 🙃)



Studio Jimmy Elias (SJE_)

Multidisciplinary Creative Director — Experience Design, founder of Studio Jimmy Elias (SJE_). Also UX Trainer, Lecturer at RFH and judge at the FWA.