Lighting Installation Dos and Don’ts: Common Mistakes to Avoid

3 min readMay 26, 2023



Proper lighting installation is essential for creating a well-designed and functional space. Whether you’re revamping your home or setting up a commercial establishment in Bryn Mawr, PA, getting the lighting installation right is crucial. However, there are a few basic errors that people frequently commit while going through the process. In this blog post, we will explore the dos and don’ts of lighting installation to help you avoid these pitfalls and achieve optimal lighting in your space.

Dos and Don’ts of Lighting Installation

Do Consider the Function and Purpose of Each Space

The function and purpose of each room must be taken into consideration before beginning the installation procedure. Different rooms in your house or place of business need varying amounts of lighting. For instance, task-oriented areas like kitchens and workspaces demand bright, focused lighting, while living rooms and bedrooms may benefit from a softer, more ambient lighting setup. By understanding the purpose of each space, you can select the appropriate lighting fixtures and create a cohesive lighting design that meets your specific needs.

Do Plan Ahead and Create a Lighting Layout

Planning ahead is one of the biggest blunders people make. It’s important to design a lighting arrangement rather of just arranging lighting fixtures at random. This entails taking into account the location of electrical outlets, switch locations, and any architectural details that can influence the placement of fixtures. You can make sure that the lighting installation process goes well and that the finished product is both aesthetically beautiful and useful by outlining your lighting strategy.

Don’t Ignore the Importance of Layered Lighting

A well-designed area must have layered lighting. To add depth and visual appeal, it entails combining several lighting types, such as ambient, task, and accent lighting. A common error that leads to a dull and uninspired setting is relying entirely on one form of lighting. By incorporating multiple layers of light, you can highlight architectural features, create focal points, and set the desired ambiance in each space.

Don’t Overlook Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

In today’s environmentally conscious world, it’s crucial to prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability in lighting installations. Many people make the error of using old, energy-guzzling fixtures, which not only has negative environmental effects but also increases energy cost Instead, opt for energy-efficient LED bulbs and fixtures, which can significantly reduce your energy consumption without compromising on light quality. Additionally, consider implementing smart lighting controls, such as motion sensors and dimmers, to further enhance energy savings and customization options.

Don’t Forget About Proper Placement and Spacing

Improper placement and spacing of lighting fixtures can greatly affect the overall lighting quality in a space. Avoid the mistake of installing fixtures too close together or too far apart. In areas where focused lighting is required, ensure that the fixtures are positioned directly over the task area. For ambient lighting, aim for uniform distribution throughout the space. By paying attention to proper placement and spacing, you can create a well-balanced lighting design that enhances both functionality and aesthetics.


When it comes to lighting installation Bryn Mawr, PA, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes to achieve optimal results. By considering the function and purpose of each space, planning ahead, incorporating layered lighting, prioritizing energy efficiency, and ensuring proper placement and spacing, you can create a well-lit environment that meets your specific needs and enhances the overall ambiance of your space. Remember, a well-executed lighting installation can transform any space into a visually stunning and functional area for you to enjoy.

